Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Economics of Climate Change released in 2007 insists
There is overwhelming evidence that global warming is actually occurring and is no longer just an academic concern. The Stern Review: the Economics of Climate Change released in 2007 insists that there is still time to make an impact and change the effects of global warming. Failure to do so would result in â€Å"climate change (that) will affect the basic elements of life for people around the world – access to water, food production, health, and the environment. Hundreds of millions of people could suffer hunger, water shortages and costal floodings as the world warms†(â€Å"The Stern Review†).Fossil fuels are the number one contributor to carbon dioxide emissions in the United States alone. The use of fossil fuels for transportation contributes to a host of environmental problems, from urban ozone to global warming. Carbon dioxide makes up about 85 percent of the United States' total anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases that lead to global warming. Met hane, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, halocarbons, per fluorocarbons, and other gases make up the remaining 15 percent. More than 98 percent of U. S. carbon dioxide emissions are caused by the combustion of fossil fuels for energy consumption (Rubin, 1998).There are many alternatives energy sources that could slow the process of global warming. Alternative energy is energy that is renewable or is not harmful the environment, such as wind, water, or geothermal powered energy. Reviewing several sources of alternative energy including alternative fuel for vehicles, solar energy, and geothermal energy and evaluating their impact on the public and viewing public opinion of alternative energy will help us have a better understanding of the concept of alternative energy and how we can benefit from using it.The effects of global warming are being felt worldwide. â€Å"Global warming and the melting of polar ice cover is predicted to raise ocean levels worldwide, directly im pacting on island nations who plead most strongly for restraint of fossil fuel consumption by industrialized nations†(Mayer). Some alternative fuel methods have been tried and found to be very successful. â€Å"Another strategy for reducing fossil fuel emissions from vehicles is to shift to alternate fueled vehicles. Various choices include electric, natural gas, methane, and fuel cell vehicles†(Mayer).In the United States there are some environmentally conscious states have started to support energy efficient vehicles. â€Å"The federal government has provided some limited support for the development of alternate fueled vehicles, while California has mandated that companies selling vehicles there market a certain percentage of zero emission vehicles, or ZEVs†(Mayer). Solar energy is an alternative energy method that has been in practice for many years. â€Å"On June 20, 1979, President Jimmy Carter dedicated the solar hot water heating system newly installed in the West Wing of the White House†(Laird, 2001, p.1). Solar energy is obtained through solar panels that take the light from the sun and convert into energy, such as electricity. Solar power has proven to be a great source of energy and many people in the United States and Europe are switching to solar power, both for moral reasons and cash incentives from governments. In the United States, the citizens of California are taking it upon themselves to invest in alternative sources of energy. They have concentrated their investments in solar power but have also experimented with wind, water, and geothermal power.Californians find solar power advantageous not only because of its insurance against blackouts and skyrocketing electricity fees but also because it produces no pollution. As the government gives consumers cash incentives, such as tax breaks when they use these alternative sources of energy, local power companies are able to use alternative sources for energy production (Woloski, 2006). Solar energy is a cost effective and product way to utilize natural energy. Geothermal energy is the energy that is held within the core of the earth. â€Å"Geothermal energy is released naturally in geysers and volcanoes†(â€Å"Energy, Sources Of,†2004).Geothermal energy is an effect way to heat homes or businesses because â€Å"Even where there are not naturally occurring geothermal aquifers, heat can be usefully extracted from the ground†(Derektaylor, 2000, p. 57). â€Å"In California, some of the state's electricity is generated by the geothermal plant complex known as the Geysers, which has been in production since 1960, and in Iceland, which is geologically very active, roughly 70% of the homes are heated by geothermal energy†(â€Å"Energy, Sources Of,†2004). Although using alternative energy is a great concept and idea there are some negative consequences to using alternative energy.Alternative energy is often difficult to obtain and very costly to initiate (Woloski, 2006). For the change to occur governments and citizens will have first have to invest a great deal of money in the initial set up of alternative energy. This can be very costly both for the people and the government. â€Å"Why are so few environmentally conscious customers signing up, despite the positive outlook? New research suggests that consumers simply do not trust their utilities' green credentials†(Bloemers, Magnomi & Peters, 2001, p. 15).People are uneasy trying new things such as alternative energy, especially if it is costly in comparative to other available energy sources. There are also harmful effects on the environment by using some types of alternative energy. For example â€Å"geothermal energy sources have minimal environmental impacts that while limited, include air pollution and noise. Photovoltaic solar energy systems exhibit limited negative environmental impacts because they necessitate manufacture of ph otovoltaic cells, use of large land areas, and a negative aesthetic impact†(Ferrey, 2003).And then of course â€Å"Biomass energy facilities, depending on the fuel source, emit a variety of criteria air pollutants resulting from the combustion of organic materials†(Ferrey, 2003). The energy consumption of the people of the United States is of great concern to the world’s environmental health. The United States Congress is well aware of their countries contributions to global warming. In 2002 the Senate passed legislation that â€Å"would raise average fuel efficiency standards to 36 mpg by 2015, a standard that would classify minivans and SUV’s as passenger vehicles rather than light trucks†(Mayer).In less than ten years the classification will have an effect on the people on the United States. This amount of time is crucial when we consider the state of ozone layer and the steady increase of global warming. Becoming aware of the staggering usage o f gasoline may help sway some Americans to switch to alternative methods of transportation; with the creation of the KYOTO treaty the hope was the all nations of the world could work together and make the right choice and consciously choose to support the health of the environment, the very source that sustains us.To make changes we need to specifically â€Å"explore the complex interactions and mutual influences of philosophy, evolutionary biology, ethics–conceptual enterprises all–and our primary interactions and encounters with humans and nature in everyday life†(Donnelley). By switching to hybrid vehicles or alternative energy vehicles, making sure all vehicles on the road pass emissions tests, and discontinue driving oversized vehicles that take more fossil fuel and because more emissions to be released Americans can contribute to slowing global warming†¦ There are people all over the world who have taken measures to switch to alternative energy. "Green energy would seem to have a rosy future. Technological advances have helped to lower the cost of renewable power sources such as wind turbine generators, solar cells, small hydroelectric plants, and geothermal energy†(Bloemers, Magnomi & Peters, 2001, p. 15). Growing trends of alternative energy are popping up all over the world. In response to these suggestive trends, European utilities such as Eastern Group and Powergen, in the United Kingdom, and RWE and EON, in Germany, now offer green energy to distributors or direct to interested consumers.Typically, the utility commits itself to produce with, or to buy from, renewable sources all of the energy that it sells through green contracts. Customers thus know that they are paying for green production even if they are not directly connected to the source. Price premiums, often depending on the source, range from 2 percent to more than 30 percent above the utilities' normal tariffs. Yet in the United Kingdom and Germany, f or example, less than 1 percent of electricity customers have chosen the green option.(Bloemers, Magnomi & Peters, 2001, p. 15) In the United States â€Å"Consumers in several states have the option of selecting their choice of generation companies. Although the contract path of electricity does not remotely match the actual electron path from generators to consumers, it is possible to â€Å"select†alternate generation technologies such as biomass, solar, or wind. (Allenby & Unger, 2001, p. 22) In California, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District runs a solar power program and â€Å"has enjoyed exceptional popularity.This program equips the roofs of houses with solar cells that essentially turn these homes into â€Å"mini power-plants†by converting sunlight into electricity. The system does have several disadvantages, such as the high expenses of building a solar power station and the unreliable nature of sunlight†(Woloski, 2006). Some speculate that â⠂¬Å"American conservatives tend not to take global warming seriously and fail to see why those who do find the U. S. unwillingness to tax energy infuriating. This perhaps more than any other act cemented in the mind of many Europeans the image of George Bush as a self-serving unilateralist†(Fukuyama 143).Although the environment has not been a factor regularly addressed by the Bush administration there are huge American corporations, such as â€Å"Boeing, IBM, John Hancock and Whirlpool  (who) have publicly endorsed the notion that climate change is real by joining a business council organized by the Pew Center on Global Climate Change†(Lynch). The Pew Center is an international organization that brings together business leaders, scientists, policy makers and other experts to address controversial issues (â€Å"Working together because†).The idea behind this thinking can in fact be construed as a financial investment. â€Å"A clear sign that climate con cerns have moved into the financial mainstream is the growing activism of institutional shareholders. Over the past few years, investors have become increasingly worried about insufficient disclosure about the risks companies face from global warming. Under existing regulations, publicly traded companies are required to disclose to investors any information that could have a â€Å"material†impact on their financial results.There are no additional requirements governing climate-change issues. A changing climate threatens companies throughout the economy with costs from future regulations, the physical effects of a changing landscape, even the danger of massive lawsuits†(Lynch). Although the reasons for supporting the fight against global warming by American corporations are may be financially based, these corporations are large enough that collectively they can make a huge impact and ideally smaller companies will follow in their footsteps.Using alternative energy is a growing trend, however, â€Å"alternative sources of energy are more expensive than traditional energy production; after all, traditional energy production is so popular because such methods currently allow the least amount of fuel to produce the most energy at the cheapest prices. It is for this reason that the industry of alternative energy sources has not yet boomed†(Woloski, 2006). With the state of global warming increasing at a danger rate all people should make an effort to use less fossil fuel and create less pollution by switching to alternative energy sources.Many people have the view that one person can not make a difference, this is not true. a fine balance needs to be found between human beings and nature. â€Å"Humans and nature†problems press in upon us from all sides. We are all becoming–or should be becoming–more cognizant of global warming; ecologically unsustainable cities and agricultural practices; the overuse of antibiotics in our health care systems and on our factory farms; the global crash of ocean fisheries; a human population and use of natural resources that is squeezing out other forms of life; the pollution and degradation of our air, soil, and water†(Donnelley).Now all of these points need to be taken into consideration and changed as a whole, but the first step is for all people of the world, to accept their responsibility to the environment and create a process that will improve the way they effect global warming, even if it begins with only one small change. References Allenby, B. , & Unger, D. (2001). Information Technology Impacts on the U. S. Energy Demand Profile. In E-Vision 2000: Key Issues That Will Shape Our Energy Future: Analyses and Papers Prepared for the E-Vision 2000 Conference (pp. 7-27). Santa Monica, CA: Rand. Retrieved April 4, 2007, from Questia database: http://www.questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=106437389 Bloemers, R. , Magnomi, F. , & Peters, M. (2001). Paying a Green Pre mium. 15. Retrieved April 4, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5001037408 Donnelley, Astrakhan. â€Å"Natural Responsibilities: Philosophy, Biology, and Ethics in Ernst Mayr and Hans Jonas. †The Hastings Center Report 32. 4 (2002): 36+ Energy, Sources Of. (2004). In The Columbia Encyclopedia (6th ed. ). New York: Columbia University Press. Retrieved April 4, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=101242747 Derektaylor. (2000). Chapter 4 Renewable Energy in Housing.In Sustainable Housing: Principles & Practice (pp. 50-59). London: E & FN Spon. Retrieved April 4, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=109201075 Ender, R. L. & Kim, J. C. (Eds. ). (1987). Energy Resources Development: Politics and Policies. New York: Quorum Books. Retrieved April 4, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=27459699 Ferrey, S. (2003). Nothing but Net: Renewable Energy and the Environment, MidAmerican Legal Fictions, and Supremacy Doctrine. Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum, 14(1), 1+. Retrieved April 4, 2007, from Questia database: http://www.questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5005792298 Fukuyama, Francis. â€Å"8 Does â€Å"the West†Still Exist?. †Beyond Paradise and Power: Europe, America, and the Future of a Troubled Partnership. Ed. Tod Lindenberg. New York: Routledge, 2004. 137-161. Jordan, Stuart. â€Å"The Global Warming Crisis. †The Humanist Nov. -Dec. 2005: 23+. Questia. 29 Mar. 2007 . Johansen, Bruce E. The Global Warming Desk Reference. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002. Lackner, Klaus S. , and Jeffrey D. Sachs. â€Å"A Robust Strategy for Sustainable Energy. †Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (2005): 215+.Laird, F. N. (2001). Solar Energy, Technology Policy, and Institutional Values. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved April 4, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=105099570 Mayer, Donald O. â€Å"Corporate Governance in the Cause of Peace: An Environmental Perspective. †Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 35. 2 (2002): 585+. Questia. 29 Mar. 2007 . Rubin, J. (1998). Shifting Gears: To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, the United States Faces Some Tough Choices. Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy, 13(4), 98+.Retrieved April 4, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5001398516 Stern Review-Summary. HM Treasury. 2007. 1-4. 29 Mar. 2007 . Woloski, A. (2006). Fuel of the Future: A Global Push toward New Energy. Harvard International Review, 27(4), 40+. Retrieved April 4, 2007, from Questia database: http://www. questia. com/PM. qst? a=o&d=5014475018 â€Å"Working Together Because Climate Change is Serious Business. †Pew Center on Global Climate Change. Pew Center on Global Climate Change. 29 Mar. 2007 .
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
My college essay Essay
Your GPA, class rank, SATI and SATII scores are all important to a college admissions officer in helping to assess your academic abilities. But they are only numbers – they have no personality. What can make your application stand apart are the personal essays. The college essay will allow an admissions officer to look beyond those numbers and see you as a person. A well-written essay should convey your thoughts, attitudes, personal qualities, imagination, sense of humor and creativity. It will round out the rest of your application and help you stand out from other applicants. In the end, it is one of the only parts of your application over which you have complete control, so it is important to take the time to do your best work. WRITING THE ESSAY To write a college essay, use the same three-step process that you would use to write an essay for class: first prewrite, then draft, and finally, edit. Taking the time for this process will help you to identify a focus for your essay and gather details you’ll need to support it. Prewriting: To start, you need to organize potential ideas for the main points of your essay. Since the purpose of the essay is to share more about you with the admissions dean, begin with YOU. Brainstorm for a few minutes, making a list of your strengths and outstanding characteristics. Focus on your strengths of personality, not your accomplishments (i. e. , you are responsible, not â€Å"an Eagle Scout;†committed, not â€Å"a three-year starter for the basketball team†). Your accomplishments are important, but more appropriate for the activities section of the application. Discover your strengths by doing a little research about yourself. Ask friends, parents and teachers what they see as your strengths. Create an outline, listing several pieces of evidence from your life next to each of the strengths that you have discovered to prove your point. Look for patterns and connections in the information that you have brainstormed. Group similar ideas and events together in logical ways (i. e. , was basketball more about the sport or about the friendships? Does your passion for numbers show itself in your performance in the state math competition and your summer job at the computer store? Drafting: Getting started is often the hardest part of essay writing. Use the information that you have learned about yourself in the prewriting phase to jump-start the process. While drafting, your job is to further organize this information into a typical essay with an introduction, the body of the essay, and conclusion. The introduction gives your reader an idea of the essay’s contents and can be short when you need to be concise. Often a vivid sentence is sufficient, such as â€Å"My favorite science project was a complete failure. †The body presents the evidence that supports your main idea. Use narration and details about the incident to show rather than tell. The conclusion can be brief as well, with a few wellselected sentences that tie together the events and incidents that you’ve described and solidify the meaning they had to you. Editing: After your draft, allow yourself time to make improvements: find and correct any errors, strengthen your focus if need be, and get feedback from another reader. Remember, this is your essay, making you your own best editor. No one can tell your story. Your words and ideas are the best way to go. Let it cool; take a break from the work for a few days before beginning an edit. Does your main idea come across clearly? Do you prove your points with specific details? Is your essay easy to read aloud? Seek feedback from someone you like and trust (but someone likely to be honest about your writing). Ask them to tell you what they think the essay is really about. Did they get it right or do you need to do another edit? Edit even more, making your language simple, direct and clear. This is a personal essay, not a term paper. Most colleges set word limits for each essay, so every word counts (say, â€Å"now†instead of â€Å"in today’s society†). Proof read at least two times before thinking that you are done. Careless spelling or grammatical errors, awkward language, or fuzzy logic will make your essay memorable – for all of the wrong reasons.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Abraham Lincoln Essays - Lincoln Family, Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln Cinder26 On the stormy morning of Sunday, February 12, Nancy Hanks Lincoln, wife of Thomas, gave birth to a boy. He was born on a bed of poles covered with corn husks. The baby was named Abraham after his grandfather. In 1811 the Lincolns moved to a farm on Knob Creek which was also near Hodgenville. In 1811 or 1812, Abraham's younger brother, Thomas, died in infancy. Abraham spent a short amount of time in a log schoolhouse. He began to learn his ABC's from a teacher named Zachariah Riney. He attended school with his sister, Sarah. Late in 1816 the Lincoln family moved to southern Indiana and settled near present day Gentryville. A cabin was constructed near Little Pigeon Creek. It measured 16 X 18 feet, and it had one window. Abraham's mother, Nancy, passed away on October 5th, 1818, she died of milk sickness. In 1819, Abraham would barrow books from his neighbors to read. In 1821 Abraham attended school taught by James Swaney for about 4 months. Also in 1824 Abraham attended school taught by Azel Dorsey. In 1827 Abraham's sister, Sarah died giving birth to her son. In 1831, Lincoln decided to leave his family and go off on his own. In July he moved to New Salem, Illinois, where he boarded at Rutledge's tavern and became acquainted with the owner's daughter, Ann. New Salem was a frontier village consisting of one long street on a bluff over the Sangamon River. On August 6th, 1832 Lincoln was defeated while running for the Illinois State Legislature. Lincoln began to operate a general store in New Salem along with William F. Berry. Again, In 1834, Lincoln ran for the Illinois State Legislature, but this time he was elected. During the summer, John T. Stuart advised Lincoln to study law. On December 1 he took his seat in state government in Vandalia. In 1837 Lincoln, 28, was admitted to the Illinois Bar on March 1, and he moved to Springfield on April 15. He became a law partner of John Stuart and lived with Joshua Speed. Lincoln now had income from a law practice as well as a state legislator. November 4,1842 Lincoln married Mary Todd. The first son of the Lincolns, Robert Todd, was born August 1, 1843 at the Globe Tavern. In 1844 Abraham and Mary purchased a home from Dr. Dresser in Springfield for $1500. It was located at the corner of Eighth and Jackson. The family moved in on May 2nd. In 1849 Lincoln failed in his attempt to be appointed commissioner of the General Land Office, and he returned to a full time law practice in Springfield as his term in the House of Representatives had expired on March 4th. On March 7th he was admitted to practice law before the United States Supreme Court. In 1850 Lincoln's son, "Eddie," died on February 1. His third son, William Wallace was born on December 21st. The fourth and last son of the Lincolns, Thomas, was born on April 4th, 1853. In 1858 Lincoln was nominated by the Republicans to run for the U.S. Senate against Stephen Douglas. He gave his famous "House Divided" speech. The Old State Capitol in Springfield where Lincoln gave the House Divided speech. During the summer, Lincoln and Douglas engaged in a series of 7 debates throughout Illinois. On November 2nd Douglas won the election. On May 18th, 1860 Lincoln was nominated for President at the Republican National Convention in Chicago. On November 6th Lincoln was elected President over 3 opponents (Stephen Douglas, John Breckinridge, and John Bell) winning 39% of the popular vote but nearly 60% of the electoral vote. On January 1st, 1863 the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed the slaves in the rebelling areas, took effect. On March 3rd Lincoln approved the first draft law in U.S. history. In early July the Union won two major battles at Gettysburg and Vicksburg. In 1864 Lincoln nominated Ulysses S. Grant as the first full lieutenant general since George Washington. Grant assumed his role as General-in-Chief of Union armies. Lincoln received the Republican nomination on June 8th to run for a 2nd term as President. Andrew Johnson was his Vice-presidential running mate. On November 8th he easily defeated Democrat
Syntactical issues for a education bilingual Research Paper
Syntactical issues for a education bilingual - Research Paper Example For this reason, English speakers have the difficulty in choosing the gerunds, which can fit a specific context or the infinitive ending of a verb if they need to translate the language. While there is a specific way of determining the different ways through which gerunds are formed in Spanish, some cases are difficult to determine in interpretation of the different things from Spanish to English may not be straightforward. For example, in forming gerunds with Spanish word that end with -er, -ar, and –ir, the addition of the words are added the –ando for all that end with –ar and –iendo for all words ending with the –er and –ir. This may be a form that people may have ease in interpreting but still this could pose a difficulty in interpreting the different words that the English language use in different contexts. In interpretation of the words that end with the –ando or iendo, the English speakers interpret them as by adding –i ng at the end of the of the verb form of the word. This makes it easy to understand the meanings of all the words that appear in the language in both language and interpret them with ease of determination of the endings (Jehle par 2-3). In understanding the gerunds, however, there are words that take only the verb form only in Spanish but in English, they are either verbs or nouns in the language. For instance, the word viviendo in Spanish, which means living in the English language has the form of a verb only in Spanish but is both a verb and a noun in English. Another word like bablando, which means speaking in Spanish, may take the verb and a noun and therefore, may make it difficult to determine the correct meaning of the word. This means that an English speaker may have difficulty in determining the best way to translate the different forms of the words that they need to use in the English form from the Spanish language. For instance, those who are learning to use the Spanish m ay encounter difficulty to determine whether a word written in Spanish is either a verb or a noun in English (Schwartz and Causarano par 1). In having gerunds in the Spanish language, there are special cases that are common in the language use, which do not necessarily take the form of –ando for -ar or –iendo for –er and ir. This is because some forms of gerunds take the other forms of gerund, which is not the usual even though they may end with similar letters from at the end. These are determined by the endings of the stem of the sentence in which case, it is not obvious to determine when an English speaker is using it. Some of the special cases of determination of gerunds in Spanish include the change of –iendo to –yendo in some cases of words whose stems have a vowel ending that is in its basic form of the word. For instance, the word caer in its continuous form becomes cayendo and in the same case, the word leer will take the form of leyendo i f there is addition of a gerund. Another special case is some words have their own change of the stems, which may take change of –o- to –u- or to –ue- so that they may have their own gerund. For example, in addition to the gerund of the word dormir, the word changes to durmiendo, this does not take the form of the first stem and then the normal ending of the gerund (Jehle par 3-7). In terms of infinitive there are
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Compare and contrast the civil rights movement with the harlem Essay
Compare and contrast the civil rights movement with the harlem rennaisance, - Essay Example ly-built suburb of Harlem.†Most of these people were educated, nonetheless, to their white neighbors they were just †Negroes.†At this time Harlem was still a predominantly white neighborhood. You guessed it, yes, the whites left Harlem making it vacant for more blacks to occupy. Blacks in the south, especially the educated ones, realized that they were not really freed; what was given to them was a pseudo-emancipation. Accepting this plight, most of them immigrated to the northern cities, mostly Harlem. And, Harlem became the most populated black city in America, and the most populated city in the north. ..steady deterioration of the races social and political position in America.... Although in the half century following emancipation a number of blacks successfully accumulated property and acquired an education, most remained poorly educated and mired in rural poverty. Even those who had achieved some material success saw these accomplishments threatened by the growth of segregation and racial violence. Supreme Court reinterpretations of the fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments left blacks defenseless against the segregationist enactments of southern legislatures (6). Black writers from all over the country began writing about their oppression. By the middle of the 1920s they had began to meet in Harlem, and was known as the new black literary movement. This movement later become the Harlem Renaissance. Chief promoters of this movement were James Walden Johnson, Alan Locke, and Charles Johnson. Fortunately for these writers, owners of white magazines and newspapers were ready to publish their work. Their cry for justice was not only within the realm of writing, but in music and acting (Wintz, 64). Between the 1950s and 1960s Georgia gave birth to a new movement, the most successful and the most publicized event in the history of modern America. The civil rights movement, unlike the Harlem Renaissance, this was very organized; its goals
Saturday, July 27, 2019
NASA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
NASA - Essay Example These are all good things but they do not necessarily bring about good results. The case study shows that the administrators and the systems need to be geared to solving real problems, and not just sustaining the system itself. There is no point in having an excellent health and safety system, for example, if it the accidents still happen and people still lose their lives. Another key role of public administration is to decide what needs to be done, and plan for that. Wilson’s comparison of the French and German armies at the start of World War 2 shows that it is possible to have excellent organizational systems, with everything working to plan, and yet, in the case of the French, have a plan that is not suited to the particular problems facing the organization. This means that public administration which is strong is not enough. It has to be facing the right direction and aiming for the right goals so that it can be effective at bringing about the desired outcomes. In some pu blic organizations there are very large resources devoted to the operation and so it is crucial that the senior teams think through very carefully what the priorities are, and what kind of change needs to be faced in the future. Simply maintaining the procedures that have always worked in the past is not enough. This may have been enough before, but because there are many variables in society, and because things change unexpectedly, an effective public administration needs to be flexible and able to take on board new ideas all the time. The example of the German army, and of some school head teachers, shows that highly committed individuals who can manage teams are an essential part of an effective administration. There has to be an ability to keep to an overall plan, but at the same time some small group independent thinking and action is absolutely vital. Public administration is often criticized because it is too slow moving, and over cautious. Society needs an administration tha t can respond quickly to crisis, and can break through all the red tape to take decisive action when there is a real threat. In the Centralia case study it is clear that the administrators all kept within their own narrow boundaries, and no-one stepped out to demand immediate and decisive action. Society needs this kind of leadership in public administration to identify crisis areas and respond immediately. Public administration has a very important role in society because it adds a professional dimension to community activities. Someone has to have a view of the big picture, and someone has to ensure that all the different branches of activity in society meet together for the good of all. I think Wilson’s description of the German army is a good one, because it shows that discipline and order can be matched with innovation and independent thinking. If everything was left to private individuals and companies, then there would soon be chaos and exploitation of the weakest memb ers of society. Public administration sets the standard for fairness and consistency, and it is the job of public administration managers to keep a good balance between following the rules and driving through change where it is needed. Question 2. On the basis of Long’s essay on administrative power and your analysis of â€Å"The Columbia Accident†what specific factors can you identify that can strengthen or detract from an organization’
Friday, July 26, 2019
Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 219
Summary - Essay Example However, movies by Asian American are struggling to penetrate and segment the market. However, in comparison with the previous years, Asian American actors have made a remarkable improvement with several renowned films having attracted the attention of the moviegoers. The number of Asian characters in different movies that are being released into the market has also increased significantly. The increased level of globalization that has intensified the need for a diverse workforce and characters has opened up opportunities for these actors. Most of the Asian movies focus their attention on the local culture and the way people interact or deal with tough situation. In addition, they highlight significant activities such as marriage and vices in the society and how they affect individuals or a society at large. In addition, they enlighten people on current issues such as global terrorism. Therefore, the Asian and Asian American filmmakers are playing a significant role in complicating and enriching the changing dimension of the America on
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Community Counseling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Community Counseling - Essay Example An important aspect of modern counseling philosophy is that the clients remain in control of their own treatment program. This is a recognition of the importance of cooperation in the counseling relationship and gives the client a sense of responsibility in there own lives. This freedom of choice for the client increases their stake in the interventions and the outcome. This puts the client in the driver's seat. The counselor does not dictate actions, but merely acts as a facilitator for change. The philosophy of counseling is client oriented, and the role of the counselor is to promote a since of wellness and show a commitment to improving the lives of their clients. The overriding principles that drive the counseling relationship are genuineness, respect, dignity, and client self-worth. This idea is open to all individuals regardless of ethnic, cultural, racial, sexual and special needs. Counseling emphasizes unconditional positive regard, respect, a safe and caring therapeutic relationship, individual strengths, and taking control over choices. Professional organizations set up accrediting agencies to promote, evaluate, audit, and certify institutions and programs that meet professionally recognized criteria. Programs that meet accreditation standards reassure the university faculty and students that they are being taught the skills that are needed to the current industry acceptable standards. This makes it easier for a student that goes through a CACREP program to be recognized as having the necessary skills and knowledge to pass a certification test. One of the benefits of this program is that you know that you would be going through a well-rounded educational experience. Another benefit is that the program is monitored and set up in a way that has a strategic plan that is oriented for the success of the students. Membership in a professional association and credentialing is an excellent method for the profession to remain ethical and well regulated. It is sometimes easy to forget our ethics and fail to act in the best interest of our clients. Personal gain, self-aggrandizement, and lack of ethical education can all contribute to problems of professionalism. While credentials are a necessary part of career advancement and certification, they should not be used as a substitute for competence and caring. In the counseling profession, the law will occasionally come into conflict with the code of ethics. This means that you may have to violate the law to remain true to your own sense of morality. The counselor must be able to justify their ethical decisions and be prepared to suffer any professional or legal consequences that may arise. Community Work Settings Community counselors work in settings that may range from individual sessions, families, groups, and communities. Community counselors can perform many tasks that include vocational, psychological, emotional, prevention, and intervention activities. Community counselors take a role as a community activist to promote positive social change within the society. Community counselors confront issues such as drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, and sexual abuse. This may occur in a hospital, community center, or a correctional facility. The value of early intervention has highlighted the importance of counseling moving into the school system. This would be
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Single-Gender Education is a Viable Option in the Public Sector Research Paper
Single-Gender Education is a Viable Option in the Public Sector - Research Paper Example Overview Gender equity in schools has been another issue as proved in the research conducted by Datnow, Hubbard, & Woody (2001) on gender bias against girls in coeducation schools. The past history on girls’ education has been one of ignoring the useful feedback by the school administration; girls have been found hesitant in taking science and mathematics as subjects at senior level, and face increased fear of sexual harassment. Off late, girls have outshined boys in overall academic performance but certain subjects like computer science and technology majors are still not their favorable choice. There has been ongoing public discussion on â€Å"crisis†for boys too not only because of their low grades on reading and language tests but the danger of their probability towards indulging in crimes, specifically boys of color (Datnow et al., May 2001). In California State, according to Datnow, Hubbard, & Conchas (2001) initiative was taken to draft legislation for funding t he single gender school by the former Governor, Pete Wilson. The analysis of this initiative and its success depends on social economic and political contexts; how one context on single gender education impacts outcomes at different state, city, and school levels. Hall and McGinty (1997, p. 461) have analyzed this interconnected process of implementation of single gender schooling, â€Å"as a web of inter-related conditions and consequences, where the consequences of actions in one context may become conditions for the next.†Legal implications of setting single gender schools started in 1972 when the United States Congress passed Title IX to promote equal education for both the sexes leading to decrease in the number of single-gender public schools (Erling and O’Reilly, 2009).... This report approves that single-sex education has to confirm to the law under the given context. There cannot be a straightforward answer to the question without getting any favorable decision from the Supreme Court on segregation of gender at elementary and secondary level of education. Some researchers have argued that the program can be scrutinized while others are of the view that gender separated public school education is a far cry from legal and constitutional perspective. School leaders need to justify the authenticity of separation of sexes so that judiciary respects their policy in this regard. Secondly, research in the field of social science can help in getting a favorable judicial review on the genuineness of the case for single-gender schooling or lack of related planning. Until the highest court paves the way for gender-based schooling no progress can be made on this front. Comments of Justice Scalia stated in his opposition to the Court’s verdict in U.S. v. Vi rginia are worth consideration This essay makes a conclusion that Justice Scalia thinks there is very little scope left for arguing the case in favor of single-gender education. Any such initiative taken by school authorities can be challenged in the court of law, which could impose heavy penalty in the absence of â€Å"exceedingly persuasive justification†for initiating a gender-based divide in school education. Female teachers acknowledged this fact that they were at ease in talking with girl students over such topics as dating, marriage, and pregnancy.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Freud's interpretation of the dream of Irma's Injection Essay - 1
Freud's interpretation of the dream of Irma's Injection - Essay Example When studying ideas such as Freud’s from secondary sources one may find that some of them are in conflict with each other and others even controversial; a situation that raises questions about the reliability of the sources used in such a study. An analysis of the Freud’s interpretation therefore ought to be first preceded by an analytical discussion of these sources detailing how one may discern their reliability and scenarios where imperfect sources may be used. In light of this, the first goal of this study is to analyze such sources as described previously. This will then be followed by the second goal which is to analyze some of Freud’s interpretation of the dream of Irma’s injection. The guiding theme for this study is reliability of sources that offer proper and correct analysis of Freud’s interpretation of the dream of Irma’s injection. Analysis of Sources of Study. Several descriptions of the era that the world is currently in have been put forward but one that stands out and stands strong in scrutiny is that we are living in the information era. Information is being generated at higher rates than seen before, analyzed and critiqued by several individuals followed by distribution from the primary and secondary sources involved. This results in varied perspectives of looking at even a single line of study. Furthermore, the advent of the internet has made distribution, availability and sharing of information quite easy. While this is to a large extent advantageous, the issue of information literacy crops up. That is, the lifelong capability of students and researchers to discern which source is reliable, conceptually correct and replicable (Armstrong 17). The implications of using unreliable sources include the fact that incorrect information may be amplified besides disregard of an individual’s entire work i f it is realized that their sources are
Celebrities as Role Models Essay Example for Free
Celebrities as Role Models Essay The Supreme Court ruled against a former high school student Monday in the Bong Hits 4 Jesus banner case a split decision that limits students free speech rights. Joseph Frederick was 18 when he unveiled the 14-foot paper sign on a public sidewalk outside his Juneau, Alaska, high school in 2002. Principal Deborah Morse confiscated it and suspended Frederick. He sued, taking his case all the way to the nations highest court. The justices ruled that Fredericks free speech rights were not violated by his suspension over what the majoritys written opinion called a sophomoric banner. It was reasonable for (the principal) to conclude that the banner promoted illegal drug use and that failing to act would send a powerful message to the students in her charge, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the courts 6-3 majority. Breyer noted separately he would give Morse qualified immunity from the lawsuit, but did not sign onto the majoritys broader free speech limits on students. Roberts added that while the court has limited student free speech rights in the past, young people do not give up all their First Amendment rights when they enter a school. Roberts was supported by Justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Stephen Breyer, and Samuel Alito. Breyer noted separately he would give Morse qualified immunity from the lawsuit, but did not sign onto the majoritys broader free speech limits on students. In dissent, Justice John Paul Stevens said, This case began with a silly nonsensical banner, (and) ends with the court inventing out of whole cloth a special First Amendment rule permitting the censorship of any student speech that mentions drugs, so long as someone could perceive that speech to contain a latent pro-drug message. He was backed by Justices David Souter and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. At issue was the discretion schools should be allowed to limit messages that appear to advocate illegal drug use. Bong, as noted in the appeal filed with the justices, is a slang term for drug paraphernalia. The incident occurred in January 2002 just outside school grounds when the Olympic torch relay was moving through the Alaska capital on its way to the Salt Lake City, Utah, Winter Games. Though he was standing on a public sidewalk, the school argued Frederick was part of a school-sanctioned event, because students were let out of classes and accompanied by their teachers. Morse ordered the senior to take down the sign, but he refused. That led to a 10-day suspension for violating a school policy on promoting illegal drug use. Frederick filed suit, saying his First Amendment rights were infringed. A federal appeals court in San Francisco agreed, concluding the school could not show Frederick had disrupted the schools educational mission by showing a banner off campus. Former independent counsel Kenneth Starr argued for the principal that a school must be able to fashion its educational mission without undue hindsight from the courts. WASHINGTON The American Civil Liberties Union today criticized the Supreme Courts 5-4 ruling in Morse v. Frederick, which held that Alaska public school officials did not violate a students free speech rights by punishing him for displaying a banner during a public event. We are disappointed by the Supreme Courts ruling, which allows the censorship of student speech without any evidence that school activities were disrupted, said Douglas K. Mertz, an ACLU cooperating attorney who argued the case before the Supreme Court. The case arose in 2002 when Joseph Frederick, then a student at Juneau-Douglas High School in Juneau, Alaska, was suspended for 10 days for holding up a humorous sign that the principal interpreted as a pro-drug message. As the ACLU and Mertz noted, the sign caused no disruption, was displayed at the Olympic Torch Relay a public event on public streets and Frederick had not yet arrived at school for the day. The Courts ruling imposes new restrictions on student speech rights and creates a drug exception to the First Amendment, said Steven R. Shapiro, ACLU National Legal Director. The decision purports to be narrow, and the Court rejected the most sweeping arguments for school censorship. But because the decision is based on the Courts view about the value of speech concerning drugs, it is difficult to know what its impact will be in other cases involving unpopular speech. The Court cannot have it both ways, Shapiro added. Either this speech had nothing to do with drugs, which is what Joe Frederick claimed all along, or it was suppressed because school officials disagreed with the viewpoint it expressed on an issue that is very much the subject of debate in Alaska and around the country. Frederick said that the phrase on the banner, Bong Hits 4 Jesus, was never meant to have any substantive meaning. It was certainly not intended as a drug or religious message. I conveyed this to the principal by explaining it was intended to be funny, subjectively interpreted by the reader and most importantly an exercise of my inalienable right to free speech. The ACLU noted that the ruling is limited to rights under federal law rather than Alaska state law, which is more protective of personal liberties. The fight to defend free speech will go on, both in this case and in others, Mertz said. We are grateful for the many Alaskans and Americans who rallied to defend the First Amendment and promise our continued support for civil liberties. The case attracted support from more than a dozen groups across the ideological spectrum, from the conservative American Center for Law and Justice, Christian Legal Society and Rutherford Institute to the Student Press Law Center, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Drug Policy Alliance and National Coalition Against Censorship. More information on the case is online at: The decision is online at: In addition to Mertz and Shapiro, attorneys for Frederick are Catherine Crump and Jonathan Miller of the national ACLU and Jason Brandeis, Legal Director of the ACLU of Alaska. At a school-sanctioned and school-supervised event, petitioner Morse, the high school principal, saw students unfurl a banner stating â€Å"BONG HiTS 4 JESUS,†which she regarded as promoting illegal drug use. Consistent with established school policy prohibiting such messages at school events, Morse directed the students to take down the banner. When one of the students who had brought the banner to the eventâ€â€respondent Frederickâ€â€refused, Morse confiscated the banner and later suspended him. The school superintendent upheld the suspension, explaining, inter alia, that Frederick was disciplined because his banner appeared to advocate illegal drug use in violation of school policy. Petitioner school board also upheld the suspension. Frederick filed suit under 42 U. S. C.  §1983, alleging that the school board and Morse had violated his First Amendment rights. The District Court granted petitioners summary judgment, ruling that they were entitled to qualified immunity and that they had not infringed Frederick’s speech rights. The Ninth Circuit reversed. Accepting that Frederick acted during a school-authorized activity and that the banner expressed a positive sentiment about marijuana use, the court nonetheless found a First Amendment violation because the school punished Frederick without demonstrating that his speech threatened substantial disruption. It also concluded that Morse was not entitled to qualified immunity because Frederick’s right to display the banner was so clearly established that a reasonable principal in Morse’s position would have understood that her actions were unconstitutional. Held: Because schools may take steps to safeguard those entrusted to their care from speech that can reasonably be regarded as encouraging illegal drug use, the school officials in this case did not violate the First Amendment by confiscating the pro-drug banner and suspending Frederick. Pp. 5–15. (a) Frederick’s argument that this is not a school speech case is rejected. The event in question occurred during normal school hours and was sanctioned by Morse as an approved social event at which the district’s student-conduct rules expressly applied. Teachers and administrators were among the students and were charged with supervising them. Frederick stood among other students across the street from the school and directed his banner toward the school, making it plainly visible to most students. Under these circumstances, Frederick cannot claim he was not at school. Pp. 5–6. (b) The Court agrees with Morse that those who viewed the banner would interpret it as advocating or promoting illegal drug use, in violation of school policy. At least two interpretations of the banner’s wordsâ€â€that they constitute an imperative encouraging viewers to smoke marijuana or, alternatively, that they celebrate drug useâ€â€demonstrate that the sign promoted such use. This pro-drug interpretation gains further plausibility from the paucity of alternative meanings the banner might bear. Pp. 6–8. (c) A principal may, consistent with the First Amendment , restrict student speech at a school event, when that speech is reasonably viewed as promoting illegal drug use. In Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School Dist., 393 U. S. 503 , the Court declared, in holding that a policy prohibiting high school students from wearing antiwar armbands violated the First Amendment , id., at 504, that student expression may not be suppressed unless school officials reasonably conclude that it will â€Å"materially and substantially disrupt the work and discipline of the school,†id., at 513. The Court in Bethel School Dist. No. 403 v. Fraser, 478 U. S. 675 , however, upheld the suspension of a student who delivered a high school assembly speech employing â€Å"an elaborate, graphic, and explicit sexual metaphor,†id., at 678. Analyzing the case under Tinker, the lower courts had found no disruption, and therefore no basis for discipline. 478 U. S., at 679–680. This Court reversed, holding that the school was â€Å"within its permissible authority in imposing sanctions †¦ in response to [the student’s] offensively lewd and indecent speech.†Id., at 685. Two basic principles may be distilled from Fraser. First, it demonstrates that â€Å"the constitutional rights of students in public school are not automatically coextensive with the rights of adults in other settings.†Id., at 682. Had Fraser delivered the same speech in a public forum outside the school context, he would have been protected. See, id., at 682–683. In school, however, his First Amendment rights were circumscribed â€Å"in light of the special characteristics of the school environment.†Tinker, supra, at 506. Second, Fraser established that Tinker’s mode of analysis is not absolute, since the Fraser Court did not conduct the â€Å"substantial disruption†analysis. Subsequently, the Court has held in the Fourth Amendment context that â€Å"while children assuredly do not ‘shed their constitutional rights †¦ at the schoolhouse gate,’ †¦ the nature of those rights is what is appropriate for children in school,†Vernonia School Dist. 47J v. Acton, 515 U. S. 646 , and has recognized that deterring drug use by schoolchildren is an â€Å"importantâ€â€indeed, perhaps compelling†interest, id., at 661. Drug abuse by the Nation’s youth is a serious problem. For example, Congress has declared that part of a school’s job is educating students about the dangers of drug abuse, see, e.g., the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1994, and petitioners and many other schools have adopted policies aimed at implementing this message. Student speech celebrating illegal drug use at a school event, in the presence of school administrators and teachers, poses a particular challenge for school officials working to protect those entrusted to their care. The â€Å"special characteristics of the school environment,†Tinker, 393 U. S., at 506, and the governmental interest in stopping student drug abuse allow schools to restrict student expression that they reasonably regard as promoting such abuse. Id., at 508, 509, distinguished. Pp. 8–15. Frederick sued Morse, the principal of his high school, under 42 U.S.C.  § 1983, alleging that his First Amendment rights had been violated when Morse suspended him for ten days after he unfurled a banner with the message Bong hits 4 Jesus during a televised parade. The parade took place during the school day; students had been released from school to watch the parade; faculty were present and loosely supervising the event. Frederick was standing across the street from the school when he displayed the banner. Frederick unsuccessfully appealed his suspension administratively before filing his civil rights claim in district court. The district court ruled in favor of the principal. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed, holding that the case was governed by Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, in which the Supreme Court held that school authorities may only suppress the speech of students at school if the authorities can reasonably predict substantial disruption of or material interference with school activities as a result of the speech. Noting that Morse could not have been concerned about the disruption of educational activities resulting from Fredericks speech, the Ninth Circuit reasoned that Morse could not punish Fredericks non-disruptive, off-campus speech, even though he was a student, the speech took place during a school-authorized activity, and the speech promoted a social message contrary to the one favored by the school. Finally, the Ninth Circuit held that Morse was not entitled to qualified immunity from money damages, because her conduct violated Fredericks constitutional rights, the right was clearly established under the law, and it would be clear to a reasonable principal that her conduct was unlawful in the situation [she] confronted.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free
Romeo and Juliet Essay The Montague’s and the Capulets are also holding a grudge for one another for very pointless reason. Now a day’s people all around the world hold grudges on people for very minor things. This is why Shakespeare is still relevant to today. Shakespeares idea on love in Romeo and Juliet relates a lot to today’s point of view on love. Romeo and Juliet know their families hate each other and disobey they parents just to see one another. This also relates to the 2002 movie ‘Bend it like Beckham’. Jesminder disobeys her parents and continues to do what she loves which is to play soccer. This is similar to Romeo and Juliet because the star-crossed lovers and Jesminder continue to disobey their parents. These just prove that Shakespeares plays are still relevant to today because Bend it like Beckham is a movie of this time period meaning Shakespeares play Romeo and Juliet influenced it. Loyalty is an important theme in Romeo and Juliet. Loyalty is displayed when Mercutio (Romeo’s best friend) to a blow for Romeo. Loyalty is still a very important aspect to today, as friends and family would do anything to keep one another alive. A great example of loyalty is John Marsden’s novel ‘Tomorrow When the War Began’. In the part where Lee was shot in the leg, Robyn could’ve left Lee to die and save her own life instead she helped lee. Robyn put her life on the line to save a friend. This is a great example of loyalty as it targets the young children of this generation. Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet is still relevant to today. To conclude, Shakespeares plays are still relevant today because they deal with issues and themes that are still relevant today. Shakespeare has used Pointless fights and grudges, Love and loyalty as main points in his play Romeo and Juliet and all these ideas transcends across time.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Dynamic Hotel And Hospitality Industry
The Dynamic Hotel And Hospitality Industry Hotel and hospitality industry is dynamic industry which changes fast with times. All the industry stake holders and business people have to be sharper and well prepared to keep them with the pace of changing environment. It is one of major industry on its outreach all over the world. In hospitality sectors decision makers have to go with proper tools to make their decisions. One of the most effective a popular business tool for industry analysis is porter five forces analysis. It was coined by Michael Porter. In this assignment we are going to study the brief history background, methods and its utilization in hotel industry. We will try to find what porter five forces are and how to use them for better understanding and analysis of happenings in hotel industry. Back Ground of Hotel industry The hotel industry consists of profitable business where people can stay in their time of need either for some work of for some holiday. During the 1920s this industry got a major increase and demand. Growth in world economy supported this industry to grow fast. Though the depression in 1930es slightly brought break to its expansion. Many hotels survived in this time of major crash as they were successful in starting hotel chains. In mid twentieth century these industries start for a new change when demand for affordable cheap and healthy lodging was increased. This introduced new trend of motels business in the market. This new motels business competed better way with hotels till1960s, up to this these motels had a growth period with their size and facilities. To cover the business gap hotel industry made innovation of motor hotels. Stay at motor hotels was bit costly and it did not attract the business. By year 1970 hotel s start chains and they expand through franchises and thus industry was over extended. In 80s hotel industry made a boom once again by controlling their costs. Furthermore there was concept of new lodging ways like suite hotel. All the major runners in business started a diverse way to make more progress. 1990s was new era with better focus on commercial ways and advertisement. In recent years this industry taken new measures like reduction in wages, debt control, low interest rate financial investments and low rate area for installations of new venues. There are some major players like Hilton Hotels Corp., Marriott International, Trump Hotels Casino Resort, Starwood Hotels Resorts Worldwide, Promus Hotel Corp, Host Marriott Corp, Red Roof Inns, Inc. and MGM Grand Inc., These hotels performing well and making me than 30 billion dollar in industry alone in USA. Background of porter five forces There is always an interest by the academics and researchers in knowing the forces which impact performance of an organization or business. Many ideas and new models appeared in late 1970es and early 1980s these were focusing mostly on competitive advantage that any business can have over its rivals in same industry. Harvard professor Michael Porter came with his idea of five forces analysis that according to him are always faced by any industry while doing business these are internal and external forces. Businesses have to get the understanding all dynamics in the market. Porter (1980) himself defined these forces that make competition and lead to competitive environment for a business. There is always rivalry existing between firms and also there is constant threat of new rivals in the market. Similarly suppliers and buyers also have impact. Porters Model makes outline of five important elements shaping any industry. Features of Porter five forces Porters five forces model simply identifies five factors that are most important and the formation of industry in order to identify it attractive for new entrants, or as a means to formulate a strategy for competitors in the industry. There is continuing interest in the study of the forces that affect the organization, especially those that can be harnessed to provide a competitive advantage. There were many ideas and models that have emerged during the period from 1979 to the mid-1980s (Porter, 1998) on the idea that competitive advantage comes from the ability to get a return on investment that was better than the average for the industry sector. It also tells that five forces analysis sees the factors outside any industry that affect the nature of competition in business within the industry. These things affect on profits of any business. If we go into the definition made by Porter (1980a) it says about forces which affect directly on competition, and it also considers that this competitive environment is created due to interaction between various forces. Main Aspects of Porterà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s Five Forces Analysis As suggested by Porter forces which can affect the performance and behavior in any industry. These are included following forces : Competition between sellers in market. the customers power in the market. Suppliers power in dealing on to the sellers. Threat of new entries. Threat of any substitute for buyers . Force one: Rivalry among Sellers It is intense competition to control the market and get more customers among the sellers. They use every tool to attract customers to them. It is main power in the industry where everyone facing tough competition. It is likely high in many of those industries in which a threat of new alternative products and is constant. Force Two : The Threat of New Entry It is not only about current rivals but there is threat of new entries always with the business. Both present and potential competitors can impact industry profitability. There is always discouragement of such new entries by all business people. Force Three : The Threat of Substitutes The is another threat pose by new substitute products within industry as the profitability always depends margins in price so it can make negative impact on performance. This always costs industries to make enough resources for their research and development department. Force four : Buyer Power Buyer try to get maximum from their investment or money it is important that buyerà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s size values more in profit gains. Higher the buyers higher the profits are even with less margins. Normally this force very high especially with globalization of business. Force Five : Supplier Power Supply plays life line for any business so many times power supply makes your business into problems as they affect your sales. Because supply is necessary to sales without it one cannot make progress. So in industry there is always competition for getting low rates and proper supply according to demand. Where suppliers find they have chance or bargain they start utilizing it. Nature of industry determined the nature of any competition in all industries. The powerful forces of all the buyers, suppliers, threats of entry and substitution and increase in competition can make negative impact on business. Porter five also have limits in its use. So it depend show it is being used by any of user. With a smaller number of properties being built and a strong economy, and the industry enjoys steady increases in demand that exceeded the increase in supply over the past five years. And cause an increase in the demand for occupancy and average daily room rates to increase also According to the hotels and hostels Association of America, 30 percent of the clients industry and business travelers and 25 percent of the tourists. Business conferences, representing 25 percent of customers in the industry, while 20 percent of the customers is to stay for a family or personal reasons10. Dominant Economic Characteristics Trends within the Industry It was the hotel industry enjoyed strong conditions during most of the 90 s but is now facing a slowdown due to industry over capacity and the weakness in demand1. The decline in occupancy rates of about 65% in the past few years to 64.5% in 19 972. The hotel industry is going through a boom of mergers and acquisitions. Its cheaper than buying the building. Management is now focusing more on value, and brand development and management experience rather than the number of rooms, using the franchise and property management1. Are the restoration of the oldest hotels are being added and upgraded features added such as voice mail, laptop hookups and computer centers of the rooms. Is now the hottest category extended stay category, which serves people stay five nights or more. Room to provide accommodation and amenities such as kitchens and laundries. General Economic Conditions affecting the industry Transport and fuel costs to play a major role in determining the ability of consumers to travel. Ticket and fuel prices, as well as other complications such as recent industry pilot curb demand for housing. The political climate and economic conditions within and outside the United States play a role in driving demand for housing as well. Porter 5-Forces Model In general, competition in the housing industry is in itself a powerful factor of control. Government regulations, suppliers and agents representing moderate, and new entrants, buyers, substitute products are the most determining factors in the industry. Model Porter 5 Forces attached to provide further details on the factors that affect the strategic decisions of firms in the industry. In business and hospitality, and technology should focus the rest of the way in which services are produced and delivered. It would be incorrect, however, to assume that the manufacturing techniques do not apply to the hospitality industry. Consider, for example, the impact of computer technology to hotels or airlines distribution. Certainly, a similar revolution and the Sabre GDS reservation systems even before the Internet industry flourished. (12) global distribution systems are still active, while the Internet has fundamentally changed the way many people make hotel reservations, airlines and car rental. Technology has made the current, much less expensive to implement a wide range of procedures for obtaining services. Instead of using a card file (as in the previous day), and can maintain the features of hotel clients on your computer. Ritz-Canton, for example, tracks the tastes and preferences of regular visitors. Ritz-Carlton properties to use their database as guest of a good feature by arranging to express check-in regular guests, who need only to call and say when you plan to access. Everything is ready when you push up to the curb. (13) and technology to track this type of information were not accessible until a few years ago and the size of the market to make the manual operation is not applicable. Companies can also use the hotel technology to extract the data, and for intensive research and compile information in databases, as shown in the accompanying article in this issue than a quarter of Cornell. (14) In another example, he drew attention to the Wingate bars for the fi rst time as a series a few years ago by installing the fonts that ections high-speed Internet in every room. This helped Wingate differentiation strategy to expand rapidly by appealing to business travelers and value-conscious World Health Organization, at the time, was known to sponsor this well-established processes and Hampton and Courtyard. (15) Political and Legal Trends and Influences Evaluation of policy and regulatory environment is vital to planning for the future, as evidenced by the implications of the lifting of restrictions on airlines in the United States (and other carriers). Although the restaurants and hotels did not have to face as the overwhelming change in the competitive environments of the airlines did after the lifting of restrictions and procedures, the government still does not resonate with these industries. And caused the 1991 war in the Persian Gulf sudden austerity in travel, which left many of the hotels are empty until the war led by the United States ended a brief and travelers ventured out again. Also, some government leaders are more protectionist than others, which have a direct impact on such things as tariffs and foreign trade. In general, its a good idea to follow up the situation of political leaders with regard to business factors, as well as any signal with respect to their positions on certain industries. With regard to foreign investment, it is important to assess the stability of the system of government, as well as Attitude towards foreign investors. Major Innovations and Trends in Other Industries The final category, you must also follow the main trends and innovations in other industries than those that you are working at the moment. Competitive advantage rarely comes from the tradition of innovation from other companies in the same industry. Following the example of the initial selection of hotels and most hotels currently operating a range of brands, each one usually used different, but related, the brand name. Although the work in the hotel several levels is still an idea worth pursuing, at this point than it is to create a competitive advantage to match the competition. On the other hand, a company that is the first to successfully apply the heresy of other industry usually have first-mover advantage that is sometimes difficult to pressure competitors to mimic. While it is true that can be easily most of the hotels, industry and innovations can be copied, and examples of the ideas that emerged directly from the innovations and trends in other industries include hotels loc ations in large shopping centers, locate and described staurants re fast food in the shops the gas station, offering video screens personal Each seat of the plane, and identify business service centers within the hotels. After the completion of an analysis of the environment and wide, it is necessary to study the work environment. Environment and broad context in which the company, industry, and other external stakeholders are present. In contrast, the task environment includes external stakeholders with the organization interact on a regular basis to some extent, especially customers. External Stakeholders Michael Porter proposed that can be defined on the nature of competition in the industry by the market power of customers and suppliers, and the level of competition among companies, the strength of alternatives and barriers to entry. (16) despite the fact that these five forces socalled model stood the test of time, and boundaries of the process is also unclear. For example, despite the fact that Porters five forces approach helps to identify the competition by customers, suppliers, competitors, and alternatives to, barriers to entry, and it does not include an assessment of stakeholders other significant impact on industry and company performance, such as unions, financial institutions and the media , and local communities. Also, the model does not include political factors. Starting from Porters five forces 0.4 gallery contains a full description of the environment task. Strategic collection of information on external stakeholders for a variety of purposes, many of which are clear and self. If you run a hotel, for example, it makes sense to follow the preferences frequent guests to meet their needs more effectively. Also, you must study competitors to search for innovations in products and services, processes and strategies. In fact, it can come excellent ideas from stakeholders, almost any. Industries, hotels and restaurants clearly adept at this aspect of environmental monitoring task. Analysis is an important one to assess the impact of competitive, which stems from economic power and political power . Stakeholders with a strong influence big competitiveness requires more attention in the strategic planning process of doing this with less impact. And more powerful and stakeholders in the largest influence on the identification of strategies and more, you must try to anticipate the reactions that entity to any changes that may look. Stakeholders strong attractive candidates for partnerships. and the end of this section includes a table that displays the tactics that your company can be considered to establish partnerships with a variety of stakeholders (see Chart 5). Economic Power The influence of external stakeholders on the companys ability to compete is partly a result of the economic power which has stakeholders. As Porter pointed out, economic power gives stakeholders the ability to extract profits or other benefits at the expense of the Company subject. the first column in Gallery 4 examples of factors that give the different stakeholders of economic power. For the purposes of illustration, and will touch briefly on some of these factors to Walamlae, suppliers, competitors and trade unions. Customers and suppliers of power. There are a few of the customers with the company exposed to the risk of losing significant revenue and should be one client leave. Such a situation gives the clients economic strength. In general, customers are relatively strong, if a few or if they make large purchases. By the suppliers of the same vein, tend to be a great economic power if there is a hack only a small number of suppliers that provide precise type of commodity or service that is required. It is also a strong if there is a high level of differentiation across suppliers, or if you were not particularly concerned about the sale for you because you were not wide range of customers for them. Rival power. Competitors have economic power based on their ability to compete. May be players with strong resource bases are disproportionately to be aggressive and create strong competition. It is important to determine the nature of competition in all markets, as well as the industry as a whole. Competition in some key markets hotel pricing, for example, while in other cases it may be brand differentiation. In other markets is still the key to success is to identify the characteristics of the hotel near Qaim. He called the case of companies that have multiple properties in different markets and compete often against some of the same companies in many markets, and multi-point competition. In that case, it is important to assess the effects of strategic moves in one market responses to a potential competitor in other markets. The labor force. Greater economic power of trade unions when the work is a high degree of organization. Trade unions and the enormous economic influence in Germany, for example. The nature of the trade union work-related (such as strikes and slowdowns) also gives the economic power of trade unions, which may be exercised during contract negotiations. To some extent, and the size of the EU budget is also a factor in the power that it possesses. Unions can be large, big-budget to participate in activities to protect its members.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Job Discrimination Essay -- Discrimination is Wrong
In some way or another we have all experienced discrimination not only through race but also sex, a disability, religion and so on. How can we determine if discrimination is right in areas other than race? If we define discrimination from the Webster’s dictionary it can be the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person belongs. In my opinion I would simply say that â€Å"you can’t judge a book by its cover†and that is what we tend to do when we face discrimination. The Federal Equal Opportunity Laws are the enforcers of such discriminations people face on a daily job. Whenever employees encounter a problem with discrimination the EEO laws are their as protection for their rights in the workplace.      The Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Laws are like the book of psalms in your bible, daily laws to live by. Under the title VII, the ADA, and the ADEA, it is illegal to participate in any discrimination when dealing with employment. For instance, hiring and firing, recruitment, testing and transfer, promotion, lay off, or recall. Which employers are responsible for making employees aware of the rights under the EEOC? Under the title VII it explains that it is not only intentional discrimination, but also discrimination against color, sex, religion, race, and national origin. When describing National Origin Discrimination it is discriminating against people because of their ancestry, birthplace and culture. National origin an employer has the right to request proper form of Identification or something that let’s them know that they are legal citizens; and this is supported by the IRCA. Dealing with Religious Accommodation discrimination that the employer has the right to ask his boss for permission to accommodate his religious belief. For instance, if the employee is practicing the Muslim religion, and he is required to pray in certain areas at certain times, he needs to make sure that when he practices his daily religious belief that it does not affect other employees. Sex discrimination would fall under title VII, which can range from sexual harassment can stem from sexual favors from the same or opposite sex. For pregnant women they should be treated the same way any ill person would be treated. Next, Age Discriminati... ...specific agent the â€Å"Fair Employment Practices Agencies (FEPAs) they make sure that the party that is being charged is under both federal and state law. Once the charge has been filed they contact the employer and there are several ways they can go about the incident. For instance, interviews, review documents, and maybe visit the incident where it happened. In these cases mentioned above when discrimination is present these are things that may occur: back pay, hiring, promotion, reinstatement, front pay and reasonable accommodation; it may also include attorneys’ fees, and court costs. As I researched this topic, I read a passage in the book Sex Discrimination in the legal Profession, that women in the early 1980’s and 1990’s who were lawyers were getting paid less than a man in the same profession; yes female lawyers are among the most highly educated women on earth now is that equal. Well I think by now we should know whether this topic is a federal or state law? Yes it is a federal law. In order for job discrimination to decrease we must learn how to treat people equal regardless of the color of their skin or their race, or any other discrimination we face in day-to-day life.
The Singles’ Scene Essay -- Essays Papers
The Singles’ Scene "[W]e are all often complicit in the silencing of students. The victims often silence themselves as well†¦"(Hall 7). Is my hair ok? How does my makeup look? Am I going to look like a geek if I answer another question? Do I have to play sports to impress the girls? These kinds of insecurities flood an adolescents mind when placed into a coed education. Instead of focusing on the task put forth by the teacher, the task that should be the most important thing on his or her mind, adolescents are distracted by others around them, especially the opposite sex. Preteens have "a lot on their plates". New schoolwork, new bodies, and new feelings are just part of their every day lives. On top of all of this they are required to navigate through a coed school. Many may argue that the coed factor is just a part of life and the faster a child learns how to cope with it the better off they will be. However, one must learn how to crawl before being able to walk. Perhaps the issue is not learning the fastest way to walk but instead learning the most proficient way to walk. With this idea in mind the way to learn wi th the most dexterity would be by following the path of single sex education from the fourth grade to the eighth grade or during the age of adolescence. As a product of four years of single sex education I can attest first hand that it is the path to take for one’s adolescent years. Leon Podles and Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, journalists for the American Enterprise, agree with my argument for same sex education through the adolescent years. They state: "The point of separating boys and girls during adolescence is to separate the training of good citizens from the vicissitudes of mating and dating, which notor... ...o be in single-sex education. They are not taught to be intolerant of the opposite sex but rather to be able to learn in a way that caters specifically to their needs at that age. Distraction is the underlying and most crucial problem. When an adolescent is in a situation where the opposite sex is a around, learning about Paul Revere is the furthest thing from their mind. The stress of impressing others is a learning impediment that a preteen must face everyday. In stress management courses one is taught to locate the stress factor and then work to remove it to create a less stressful environment. In this case the added stress and distraction stems directly from the opposite sex. Thus, the removal of the stress (the opposite sex) would break through the barrier that is inhibiting the learning process in adolescents and lead to new paths of knowledge and confidence.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Performance Management Reality Check Essay -- Business, Goals, Functi
How many of the 14 characteristics of an ideal system are present in the system you are evaluating? The Women's Resource Center at Southern Oregon University is currently using a performance management system that I believe has present all 14 characteristics. As a small organization doing work that is at many levels personal, our performance management system is one of the most highly held processes of our jobs. Our work at the Women's Resource Center calls for us to express ourselves, voice our opinions and beliefs, stand up and fight for change, and engage in our work emotionally. Due to the level at which we hold our jobs close to our hearts, evaluating our performance and gaining feedback on the work we are doing is extremely important not only for our management but also for the employees. Our individual goals must be aligned with organizational goals. As the goal of our work is to improve the lives of women and girls, our organization would not function if individual goals were anything other than that exactly. Our work is deeply rooted in the passion and motivation of the employees and volunteers involved regarding this goal. We are working as activists who are seeking and creating change and see no limits to the differences we can make personally in our community, region, and even globally. (Aguinis, 2009) The system is thorough as each employee is evaluated every school term and all major job responsibilities are included in the evaluation. There are three steps to the system. The first step is a self evaluation form that is filled out by the employee and acts as a tool for self-reflection. The second step is an informal evaluation with the staff manager. The final step is the formal evaluation with the coordinat... ... bad idea to have a process laid out. For our system to become more ideal we should develop a rating system that minimizes subjective aspects and does not rely so heavily of human judgement. We should also develop an appeals process that is formal in which employee that feel an error has been made may be able to challenge unjust decisions and correct errors. (Aguinis, 2009) I believe that the managers and the coordinator should work together to develop the appeals process and then bring the process to the staff to gather opinions, and feedback. I believe that the coordinator knows best how the process would be more efficient and effective but I would also want to hear from the staff to make sure the process makes sense and is accessible from their perspective. This is a process that really needs to work on both ends of the organization for it to be effective.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Argumentative Essay Against the Computer Society
It is hard to imagine a life without the internet and the computer. Most people in our modern western society use the computer every day in work, school and as a means of recreation. The computer has Change our every day lives drasticly. We now exchange information faster than ever before and anything we want to know is out there for us to fetch with only a click. But is the computer and the internet really to our advantage? I think not. I think that there are more disadvantages with the computer than most people might see. I think that the world would be a much better place without computers. We have never had so little human interaction as before. Yes, the internet is good for keeping in contact with friends and relatives, but we have to ask ourselves what happened to personal interaction. It is said that between 60 and 70 percent of what we interpret when we are talking to someone is through their body language. We learn very little about each other from the sterile type of talking in front of our computer screens. Humans are social beings and we need to be around people a lot more than what we are when we only spend our time together in cyber space. Being on Facebook and other community-pages will also make us think that we know people by seeing their pictures and reading their status updates. When we meet them we have a set interpretation of the person even though we might not have met them in years. We think that we know all about a person when we only know what they want us to know. This means that people never really get to know each other from experiences they have shared. We have never been this stressed ever. Before the age of computers, we could stop worrying about work as soon as we got home in the afternoon. Nowadays, as soon as we come home and have a chance to relax, we check our email accounts and maybe finish up some things we didn’t have time for at the office. The internet is also very distracting, which can be an obstruction in work, causing stress when the work piles up. We are never disconnected from work or school, we know that there is always a way for work to hunt us down and we know that not checking our email for letters from our boss or another co-worker is frowned upon or seen as irresponsible. Stress is a great reason to why people have heart diseases, digestive problems, are depressed and have trouble sleeping like never before. Alcohol is no longer the only drug being used as a means of relaxation. Marijuana and other drugs are also becoming more tolerated and common within society. I believe that the level of stress that we are exposed to every day is a trigger for drug and alcohol abuse. Stress isn’t the only reason why always being connected to the internet is unhealthy and dangerous. Our body is made for physical work. We are supposed to be using our bodies for hunting and other sorts of physical work. We are supposed to be able to run from larger predators and go up a hill without breathing heavily. But most people these days wouldn’t be able to manage this. We spend our whole day sitting in front a computer and when we're not, we sit by the dinner table, in class or in front of the television. Our bodies aren’t working as they should, on top of this; we eat a lot of greasy, processed food. There is no coincidence that obesity is now an epidemic disease in the western world. Worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980. In 2008 1,5 billion people were overweight and 65% of the world's population live in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight. Obesity can trigger heart diseases, cancer, strokes and many other illnesses. The absolute freedom of press on the internet is seen by something good and something that helps democracy that we should encourage. But when there are no rules or regulations about what people may write on the internet, and who is to view what is said on forums, blogs etc. things that are demoralizing and directly damaging will be said. Most children nowadays have access to pornographic material, gambling sites, pro-anorexia forums, pedophiles and harmful propaganda of all sorts. And there is no way for parents to know what their children are up to once they have clicked the ‘delete' button in the history archive of the computer. And it’s not only the children who are at risk when using the internet. We now move almost all of our banking and communicating to the internet which means that if we aren’t careful, someone might be reading our emails, or hacking our bank accounts. The reason why we should re-evaluate all this time spending on the internet and by the computer is first of all because we have to socialize more face-to-face with the people we love and cherish. Secondly because it is very stressful to always be accessible through the internet. The third reason is because moving is a vital part of the human health and obesity is a growing epidemic and finally because we are always exposed to a risk when going online.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Music publication through what was relevant in society
Dear Miss Bethany Sharp,I have done extensive explore into the following times in order to refrain their achievement as a euphony publication through what was relevant in society.NME1950sWhat was alliance same(p)?It was the end of war judgment of conviction limit from World War 2 and on that point was instantly a consumer society. Teenagers had forthwith been apt(p) spending power but no means of entertainment but clips. list n roll hit the burst with a wise reference, the emerging call consumeess gardening had promptly taken the melody scene and Rock was immediately reject by older generations. This type of medicine was popular mostly with teenagers who were trying to get away let out of the mainstream idea of the middle class. Also, The US had direct scored their own Hot century Music Charts NME responded to the adjustment in caller so because teenagers cute to break out of the idea of middle class that Editors indomit suitable to publish adds in the magazines content cherished hip young gun slingers. NME did this so that they could get forward-looking, fresh writers who represented divulge of the listening thitherfore they were part of the medication scene and would have a to a greater extent than liberal humour of turn to, therefore bear upon as well as dandy luck charm to them, creating supremacy for the magazine. NME responded to the dislodge in partnership that the US had straightway created a medical specialty chart, so NME they refractory to introduce the commencement British Pop charts. It appealed to the hearing and created success as it was the best selling single chart in the UK and in a sense influenced the earreach in what to find out to and what was part of the medication scene.1960sWhat was nightspot ilk?London spent oft of its time swinging and dancing as much of the symphony scene. The nation became much obsess with political and cultural events. The British extend to of argu ment and roll, beat and pop performers instantly appeared by performers such as The Beatles. NME responded to the compound in monastic order to embraced the newfangled British conventions emerging at the time The Beatles and The roll Stones were arguably the two most celebrated groups to emerge during this 60s and they were frequently featured on the front cover. NME responded to the limiting in confederation because it was between January and June 1964, NMEs sales peaked to 306,881 that as the Beatles and the rolling stones were taking on the music scene, NME was left to track the new rock music.2000sWhat was club like? hostel has now be sustain multi-platform and fast paced because of all the new mediums and the use of synergy engineering has now hold up a necessity to day-by-day life NME responded to the change in Society as technology was becoming more used in fooling life, i.e. the internet, NME matt-up that it might lose sales as factors such as piracy and simpl ified accessible data can come or so, so NME absorbs part sister/rival publication melody fall uponr in 2000. NME responded to the change in Society because technology was becoming more widespread that NME decided to feature on radio and tv coverage in order to become more multi-platform and thus making it more successful It appealed to the audience because NME had coverage on NME awards and weekly NME chart show on MTV2. NME had taken further steps than creation just a magazine. NME responded to the change in Society so the NME magazine as the music scene was becoming jr., NME introduced bludgeon NME nights across Britain and to the US. apprehend Hits upstart 1970s/1980sWhat was Society like?Society was now enough of mass unemployment and there were now a social unrest- people where now barbarian at the government and there were now anti-rebellion teens. bonnet was introduced and the idea of beingness rebellious, bands like the sex pistols started to make the music scene . NME responded to the change in Society so the demolish Hits magazine As the new music scene was young socialites and looking good was important, stop Hits was a new shining magazine for younger audiences . It used niches which appealed to younger audiences because it focused around trivia (What is your favourite colour? etc.) they used this informal mode of savoir-faire to create success It appeals to the audience to create success because it talks about lives and gossip, something the audience was looking for. NME responded to the change in Society so the Smash Hits magazine as the magazine was talking to a new audience it created a new mode of address it was now informal and colloquial chatty because it had to represent the audience in order to create success.1980sWhat was Society like?Cable and MTV were introduced it had an enormous impact on the music and young people. The CD revolutionized the music industry. Music such as Pop, Rock, new wave, punk, country, Rap and Hi p-hop became popular. NME responded to the change in Society so the Smash Hits magazine It was because the music scene had became widespread and there were much more musical genres that Smash hits went on to hire many see journalists2000sWhat was Society like?Society has now become multi-platform and fast paced because of all the new mediums and the use of synergy technology has now become a necessity to e veryday life NME responded to the change in Society so the Smash Hits magazine a whole new range of platforms including Television, the internet, prompt and so on were introduced, the magazine became multi-platform as the audience became more industrialised to create success It appealed to the audience because Todays teens treasured faster, deeper information about music at a faster rate of accessing information, they were now able to do so. NME responded to the change in Society so the Smash Hits magazines started to notice that the group allegiances to pop and rock had chan ged, magazine established it had to change so became more multi-platform Magazines became more synergised, using television, radio, websites etc. This was because technology was maturation and so was the young audience. NME responded to the change in Society so the Smash Hits magazine Because the audience and the music scene were changing, the magazine had to change. Smash hits decided to keep the genre the same although it became multi-platform. It didnt appeal to the audience and the audience moved on, however it managed to continue using different mediums such as television, digital radio and website servicesSniffin chewing gumLate 1970s/1980sWhat was Society like?Society was now full of mass unemployment and there were now a social unrest- people where now angry at the government and there were now anti-rebellion teens. Punk was introduced and the idea of being rebellious, bands like the sex pistols started to make the music scene. NME responded to the change in Society so t he Sniffin mucilage magazine Young socialites wanted to be part of the music scene, so they wanted to belong to a group, The Sniffin Glue publication is one that is a fanzine It appealed to the audience because this means it is exclusively made by fans for fans for a specific genre Punk Zine, this meant the audience could relate to Gigs and so on. It excessively appealed to the audience because it meant that it could remain very Punk and shocking through the mode of address such as the aggressive and rank language but managed to remain very political toward the audience through the points it made. NME responded to the change in Society so the Sniffin Glue magazine It was because the audience wanted to be heard that the publisher Perry encourages reader to make their own fanzines so sniffin glue had less(prenominal) circulation It appealed to the audience because it Introduced the British punk culture and DIY Punk ethic so fans created their own fanzines. By doing this they kept the audiences demands and met theirs, overall creating success It appealed to the audience as the mode of address was very opinionated, they were able to say what they wanted a it was a non-profit fanzine They appealed to the audience as they represented them through the cover as it very punk and shocking well-nigh making a political rumor
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