Saturday, August 31, 2019
Diffusion and osmosis lab Essay
What happened to the iodine, the starch, the glucose and the water in your experiment? Explain which molecules did/did not cross the membrane and in which direction they moved. Substance Prediction Results Starch Starch will stay in the cellulose tubing The results were correct Glucose Glucose will defuse and move out The results were correct Iodine The iodine will change color The results were correct 2. Did the results of your experiment agree or disagree with your prediction? Why or why not? My results agreed with my prediction because the starch, glucose and iodine stayed in the cellulose tubing, or the water changed color. 3. Considering your observations, suggest an explanation for the results of your experiment. What assumptions did you make about the nature of the membrane? The cell contains what enters. Small molecules can quickly go through and out of the cell. Meaning the small molecule diffuse through the process of osmosis. Lab 2 – ELODEA Objective: To demonstrate and explain effects of osmosis across a living membrane. 1. What changes took place in the Elodea cell after salt water is added? Did these changes agree or disagree with your prediction? Why or why or not? When the salt was added to the water it caused the water concentration to lessen but the solute to increase. There are more water molecules going out of the cell than in the cell the cell membrane began to shrink known as dehydration. 2. Explain, in detail, the process that caused these changes to occur. The elodea would not be able to live in salt-water environment because there is a greater concentration of the water in the cell. When there is salt in the cell, it would die. 3. Is this process reversible? If so, describe how you would reverse it? Yes, I think this process is reversible. You would have more of a salt solution then a water solution. Then you would add the water to the concentration then it will be revered
Friday, August 30, 2019
Children and adults Essay
The Effective Early Learning Project based at Worcester University highlights two ways in which adults can help children progress; The first is the way the adult encourages the child to be autonomous, to get on and try new things; The second, is the way the adult offers experiences which are stimulating, challenging and interesting. Adults need to be a supporting factor when the child is in a ‘risky’ environment. Children and adults alike enjoy climbing trees; adults know when they are too high as do children. This is a whole other debate in terms of nature or nurture debate. This is where we could explore the idea of children learning to be safe when risk taking or is it already ‘there’. Stephenson (2003) wrote about a child on a swing, ‘Swinging was very popular with these younger children, but more often than the older children their reactions indicated that they felt unsafe and wanted the swing slowed down’. Therefore the child has taken the risk, has agreed a boundary, enjoyed the activity and acknowledged the safety aspect. The adult was there to ensure the safety and also make the activity a positive one by being readily available. Children must face all different kinds of risks in order to support their development and learning. Stine (1997) wrote that to support their learning and development is a complex issue. There always has to be provision for a physical challenge. More and more educational settings are using outdoor play/activity to challenge the children. Although, what is an acceptable risk to one person, may be completely the opposite of another. Bruce and Meggitt (2002) write that ‘outdoor space needs to be available most of the time’; They continue that, safety is the only consideration for keeping children in doors. Children can feel safe in ‘risk taking’ environments and activities in many ways. Initially the adult to child ratio, with a high number of adults’ children can be supported and helped to achieve. Secondly by minimising, if possible, the risk aspect. This could be ensuring the activity is a positive and acceptable environment. Thirdly by giving the children all the opportunities available for physical risk taking, children need a stimulating and challenging environment. And finally, a well maintained balance between the child’s safety and the challenge of the activity. In an educational setting, an adult carer will go to the ‘risk area’ and carry out an assessment. They will check the route to be taken, dangers in the area and also any area that poses extreme concern. An adult carer should also think about the child to adult ratio. A local nursery allows children to climb trees. Due to the child to adult ratio, the nursery feels that the level of risk posed can be curtailed by having by having the children supervised and supported through the activity by adults. The children are therefore enjoying the activity of risk taking, as well as feeling safe in knowing an adult is available to help at any time. Another factor that the adult carer should be aware of is the idea of making a child’s environment completely hazard free. Therefore taking away any risk or danger. Walsh (1993) thought that children in an environment that is completely ‘safe’ could become bored and this could lead to self initiated risk taking that could be dangerous. Durberry (2001) felt that children who grow up in an ultra safe environment would ‘lack confidence in their own physical ability’. This would be due to the poor opportunities for the children to build and extend upon their exiting knowledge. He continued that children had to be both confident and competent physically in order to feel competent emotionally. The ideals on risk taking vary from culture to culture. Although the main aim remains the same. The child needs to remain safe, but feel they are being challenged and stimulated. To minimise hazards there needs to be a high adult to child ratio. Children need opportunities to explore and do so independently. Over the last decade, the child’s freedom of choice has been limited. Adult carers are sometimes over anxious about letting the child experiment with risk taking. The procedures and guidelines that are in place give the adult carer a frame work on which to base their activities upon. The adult carer should exploit and become fluent in the procedures and guidelines in place. This in turn will provide groundwork for safe risk taking. Bibliography Smith, P., Cowie, H. & Blades, M. (2003) Understanding Children’s Development, London: Blackwell Publishing. Bruce, T. & Meggitt, C. (2002) Childcare & Education, London: Hodder & Stoughton. DfEE (2003) Early Years (Volume 23, Number 1), London: Taylor & Francis
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Discrimination †Thought Essay
1. What do you consider to be the most valuable information you got from this class? Why do you consider this most valuable? I think that the most valuable thing that I took from this class is the fact that racism is still very much a major part of our society. Growing up in rural Iowa I always new that there were racist people, but I never knew how the racism actually affected our society and how strongly it influences such things as government funding for education and housing developments. Racism and prejudice always seemed secondary to me. I always knew that this country had issues with racism, but I never imagined that it affected serious issues so heavily. Minorities in this country are put at a greater disadvantage then whites. Many minorities especially those that do not speak English as their primary language have to deal with inadequate housing, under funded school districts and the everyday struggle of discrimination for their differences and beliefs. 2. To what extent, if any, has your thought process about race relations change as a result of this class? Explain your answer. I wouldn’t say that my personal beliefs have changed due to this class, because I feel that I have always been open-minded and treated everyone with equal respect. I would however say that my thought process has changed slightly. My thought process has been altered because I always looked at racism as a problem, but not my problem. I was never directly involved in racism, and I thought that there was nothing that I could do to change the views of others. After this class I have realized that if you are not part of the solution then you are ultimately part of the problem. Many people turn their head when they are around a situation of discrimination, saying nothing. People have the misconception that just because you didn’t say anything negative or directly discriminate against another person that there is nothing else that they can do to fix the problem. The only way for racism and discrimination to disappear in this country is for us to admit that they exist and they are a major problem. 3. What will you do differently as a result of what you learned? After taking this course it opened my eyes and really made me think in a different light. Since the course began in August I have accepted new concepts and have decided for myself which ones that I choose to follow and which ones I have chosen to ignore. I feel that my mindset involving racism has changed and because of that I will attempt to get more involved and stop ignoring racist comments and gestures. I have never been a person to treat people differently based on their beliefs, race and/or ethic backgrounds, but that doesn’t mean that I have done anything to help get rid of the problem. I believe that people can make very small steps to correct racism and it will indeed make a huge difference. Some people feel that their individual efforts will make little, if any, difference in the overall scheme of things. If only one person from each group friends changes their mindset about racism then they can begin to reverse the situation. If that one person educates themselves about the issues involving racism and practices their beliefs then they will ultimately begin to change the minds of many of their friends. Obviously this will not work to change everyone’s mindset, as some people are set in their ways and due to ignorance will never change or even attempt to broaden their views and beliefs.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
UN Millennium Development Goals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
UN Millennium Development Goals - Essay Example The targets set by United Nations are to ensure access to safe drinking water and safe sanitation mechanism to 50% population of the world by 2015. Moreover the resolution requires all the member countries of the United Nations to implement legislation to ensure sustainable development in all fields of technology in order to protect the environment for future generations (United Nations, 2011). Forests are deemed as natural lungs of the environment and are significantly important for ensuring consistency in carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations in the natural air. Despite various incentives and recommendations provided by the United Nations, during the decade 2000-2010 South America and Africa lost 3.4% and 4% of the forests respectively, however the rate of deforestation did not rise considerably because Asia gained 2.2% of its total forested area during the same period. Despite the global recession, the various industrial units and vehicles in the world added 30.1 billion metric tons carbon dioxide to the atmosphere in 2008, 1.7 percent more than 2007 (UNEP, 2008). The Montreal Protocol have been very successful in this regard because under this protocol, the use of most of the ozone depleting substances have been controlled and the ozone levels are on the rise, with scientists expecting them to reach pre-1980’s levels by the middle of the century (World Bank, 2008). Provision of clean drinking water is still one of the major concerns and the increasing unplanned urbanization is further aggravating the situation. According to recent estimates, only 20% of the people living in the cities of Africa have access to clean and safe drinking water. The targets of sanitation are also far from being achieved and 2.6 billion people in the world still lack improved sanitation facilities (United Nations Office of High Commissioner on Human
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Classifying Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Classifying Structure - Essay Example Professional bureaucratic structure is used by those organizations that depend on highly skilled professional in order to deliver goods and services at the core of the organization. Some examples are hospital, museums, engineering design firms, social services agencies and public accounts firms, universities and libraries (Reilly, Minnick & Baack, 2011). Organizations having divisional structure have set of autonomous units, each typically machine bureaucracy unto itself which is coordinated by a central headquarters. Some examples with divisional structure are General Motor, Microsoft, 3M Company, AT&T, General Electric Company, International Business Machine (IBM), Coca-Cola Company, United Technologies Corporation, and the Walt Disney Company (Reilly, Minnick & Baack, 2011). Adhocracy is suited for those organizations which are having low formalization and standardization and are organic and dynamic in nature. Within these organizations the decision making tends towards decentralization. Companies having adhocracy form of structure are flexible and adaptable. Example of adhocracy is the project for the construction of commercial building (Reilly, Minnick & Baack,
Foreign Exchange Indicator Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Foreign Exchange Indicator - Research Paper Example The report also predicts that the Japanese Yen will be a safe bet for people dabbling in foreign exchange and thus, will be strong in the coming months. Both the US and Japanese governments have adopted a near zero interest rate policy. The Euro and GBP have come under stress and will be showing a bearish trend. With a second set of rescue measures being announced by the government to rescue banks in the UK, global investors are viewing the GBP with skepticism and there is a possibility of its remaining weak. According to another report by Forex Capital Markets, a financial services provider in New York, " The Swiss Franc outperformed all other G10 currencies against the USD in the first quarter of the year, gaining nearly 15% on the troubled Greenback. By comparison, the Euro gained only 9%. Limited direct exposure to the U.S. and a massive liquidation in carry trades has driven the Swiss franc higher in the first quarter. However, the significant downturn in the euro zone has begun to transmit the effects of waning global growth to the Swiss economy. Interest rates are now lower in the U.S. than Switzerland. With the Fed intent on further rate cuts, the yield gap between the two countries is expected to widen, which will drive the USD/CHF lower. The case of the EUR/CHF will be quite different.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Jerusalem Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 2
Jerusalem - Movie Review Example Understanding the significance of the history of Jerusalem also creates a deeper understanding of the rooted conflicts and beliefs in religion that are a part of Israel today. The main concept which Jennings approaches when looking at Jerusalem is to identify the 4000 years of history that have been identified through the area. The approach which is taken comes in three segments, each which have an exclusive interview with a Christian, Jewish and Muslim family living in Jerusalem. As Jennings’ traces their history, there is a deeper sense of what has occurred during this time frame through the interviews. More important, there is the ability to create a deeper sense of how religion has affected the region, families and those that hold to specific beliefs in Jerusalem. The facts that Jennings’ provides are brief because of the context and main concept of the news story. The division of stories into 15 minute segments as well as the brief ideologies that are stated before these show a different understanding of the history. However, this is limited to the interviews as well as the main ideologies linked to one aspect of the religion. While the viewer is able to have a brief overview, the inability to tap into 4000 years of history with all the factual information leaves several gaps for those that are interested in the portrayal of Jerusalem. This also limits the historical components that are a part of the series, specifically by identifying one part of Jerusalem through exclusive interviews and brief concepts associated with the building of different religions in the holy land. While there is only a brief overview of what has occurred, there is a balance with the different religions. The report includes different backgrounds and practices that are within Jerusalem. For instance, when speaking with the Muslim family, there is history that is traced back for eight centuries. The generations which are traced back link
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Juvenile Justice Cases Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Juvenile Justice Cases - Assignment Example The future lies with the children hence, today’s laws subject them to various systems different from the adults’. It is necessary to mention that today’s child has not had enough chance at her disposal leading to marginal changes in the traditional roles that children play in several parts of this state. Most of them have actually adapted to the common proverbial silver-spoon which had an unimaginable meaning in the uneconomical era. Some are fortunate enough to have the necessities of a life while others face controversial and diverse problems. Some of the problems might be a direct effect of increasing strength of the economy; something that has substantially reduced the responsible behavior expectations during childhood. Most irresponsible children behavior is a result of inadequate attention from preoccupied parents who leave their children with the responsibility of taking care of themselves when they return home from school (John, 2007). Question 1 A& B: Although it might be a little easier to jump into conclusion and think that the 15-year old would be thrown to jail and manhandled, it is crucial to point out that the justice system came up with a system that aims at, not only committing itself to the restoration and protection philosophy but also provides diverse opportunities for diversion and emphasizing on the rehabilitation process other than mere punishment hence Mrs. I should not be worried due to several ways used to deal with that issue without necessarily having the little boy harassed. The punishment principle states that there can never be an occurrence of a crime in a situation where lawful punishment specifications do not exist. For example, Larceny would never be considered a criminal offence if a clearly defined law against that does not exist. The law of the land cannot simply state that, ‘stealing is illegal’. Criminal punishment should be clearly specified in order to ensure that there is lawful imposition of sanctions when an individual if found guilty. In this case, the boy would be found in possession of a car that was stolen, driving without a license and even crushing the car. This may be a hard case to handle as the defendant had been found with (not just one) three offences to answer for. However, there might still be hope. He might escape a harsh punishment but must be subjected to other means of correcting his behavior (Davenport, 2009). One thing that must be put into consideration is whether or not Mrs. I could be willing to take res ponsibility of seeing to it that the future of this little boy is bright through economic means and absolute mentorship programs. That is the most lenient option adopted by a court of law in implementing justice as a means of reversing the juvenile delinquency’s negative trend. A relatively strong program of diversion relevantly impacts recidivism and delinquents. As a replacement of juvenile court, sentencing and prosecution, there had to be an implementation of diversion programs. Another significant point is whether or not
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Values and Personality Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Values and Personality Reflection Paper - Essay Example Every day we do in our life requires funding that life would be unimaginable without it. To ensure that there is enough funding to be able to do the things I would like to do, a trust fund would be nice source of fund. And to sustain my everyday expenditures such as eating out, buying school supplies and other things, it would be very convenient to have a worry free charge. Trust fund without the means to spend it through a convenient charge would be pointless so a charge card should come with the trust fund. Finally, it is very important for me to have my own big house not only as a means of shelter but also to call it my home. These values made me strive to study harder to be able to get a good education. My parents were instrumental in the formation of these values by stressing that without a good education, I will not even have a chance of having financial stability because the world is based on knowledge and skills. These values will affect me in choosing a major in college or a career by ensuring that the course I will take must teach financial know how and that the career I will have must earn well to afford financial security. I took the ESTJ personality test to have an objective hypothesis on my personality type. My hypothesis on my personality type is that I am an Introvert-Sensor-Feeler-Judger. It means that I tend to be reflective, reserved and private. I draw my energy from my own thoughts and the time I spend alone and do not need people around me all the time. It also says I live for the present and rely on facts and handle practical matters pretty well which I think is very accurate assessment of me. I am also a feeler which is basically sensitive to the feelings of other people which I am. I am also a judger who prefer a lifestyle that decisive, planned and orderly. This personality type reflects well in my interaction with people as I am very considerate with
Friday, August 23, 2019
Use of Information Technology to Support the Drive E-Business in Research Paper
Use of Information Technology to Support the Drive E-Business in Organizations - Research Paper Example When introducing changes to the business model, staff must be retrained and the work culture managed to ensure successful implementation of a new system. Challenges in the integration of new information systems into business processes and information needs of an organization are inevitable. These challenges include training, outsourcing expertise and selecting appropriate systems. Therefore, it is important for organizational managers to identify these challenges and overcome them so that the advantages of applying information systems in business processes are achieved. Information systems and their incorporation in business functions enhance business activities. Through e-commerce for example, web based information systems are able to increase efficiency and effectiveness in transactions, communication, collaboration and information sharing within the supply chain. Information system adoption and implementation is the most viable business solution for organizations especially those which are experiencing increased growth. It is through the information systems that management is enhanced and efficiency in transactions is achieved via e-business. On deciding to use information technology, the organizations must develop a system that will help integrate all the activities involved in the flow of goods from the suppliers to the customer. The system developed should be web-based given that e-commerce is conducted in distributed networks and must assure all the user of the security of the transactions. This is enforced by use of various components of an IT system. Given the dynamic nature of technology, the system needs to be periodically upgraded and therefore the organization must develop strategies to ensure smooth transitions. Businesses seeking to integrate their operations and processes should use competitive intelligence systems which gather i nformation from all the components of the supply chain thereby guiding the innovation process in a company. However, there are challenges which organizations face in their attempt to integrate new information systems into business processes and information needs. These challenges include deciding on the right information system as presented by vendors to the management. An ideal information system must be in line with business needs and processes including congruency to the goals and objectives of the organization. Organizations also face a challenge f training users to integrate and apply new systems especially when such organizations are large. Outsourcing of technical staff is another challenge in integration because the outsourced companies may not be familiar with the culture, goals and objectives of an organization when integrating the new system. Use of IT to integrate the sales and supply chain management (a) System Requirements To enhance supply chain management which will help companies integrate their relationship with customers and suppliers, there is need to ensure that the system meets some certain requirements. Supply
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Types of Services Essay Example for Free
Types of Services Essay The layout, menu, inventory, food prices and decoration of the restaurant determined by the services style. The service style of a restaurant depends on personal preferences, target market and location. Fine dining offers the finest food, services and atmosphere to the customers. Many people choose fine dining for a special occasion, so food should not disappoint, either in the selection or quality. No need to have an extensive menu, but it should be interesting, and offer unique dishes that customers cannot find in any other restaurant. Good food, drinks and wine should be extremely superior to anything offered at other restaurants and wine should be paired with the desire dishes and complement to customer’s menu. Also have prix fixe or limited menu that change on weekly or daily basis which allows people to buy seasonal items. In this kind of restaurant customer service is more attentive than in casual dining. Fine dining services goes far beyond taking an order and deliver food. Also provide the other services like crumbling the table between courses, replace linen napkin, explain menu without notes. Fine dining restaurant attract the people like business man, couples, family, tourist. These specific groups are focused because these are the people who frequent other restaurants and bar in the area also they are willing to spend their money on good dining and service at a value price. Cuisine History China has a civilized history of 5,000 years and Chinese cuisine has evolved over time. Chinese Cuisine enjoys high reputation in the world due to its abundance and exquisite, delicious taste and charming appearance. The Chinese food varies from local ingredient, climate, customs and cultures, so there are widely diverse food styles and taste in local regions. Chinese cuisine is any of several styles of food originating in the regions of China, some of which have become highly popular in other parts of the early as the 7th century B.C Chinese cuisine began to be separated as southern and northern cuisine. Southern dishes emphasize freshness and tenderness. Northern dishes have more fat and garlic which is offset with vinegar, due to its cold weather. Its cooking techniques, preparation, serving and appreciation of food have been developed to the highest level. Cooking has occupied an important position in Chinese culture throughout its history. Chinese culture considers cooking as â€Å"an art and a science†. Rich and poor, the Chinese people consider that delicious and nutritious food is a basic necessity. There is an old Chinese saying â€Å"Food is the first necessity of the people†. Preparation method Stir frying The most frequently used method is stir frying. this method cooks processed ingredients at high heat for short period. Edible oil is used as the heat conductor. Because of short period of time, ingredients keep their nutrition value. Stir frying meat is juicy and testy , vegetables are tender and crispy. Deep frying This method uses more edible oil than stir fry, producing crisp textured food. In this method, cut the ingredients in small pieces, soak them in seasoning for a while, coat with corn starch, then fry in hot deep oil over medium heat. Shallow frying Shallow fried dishes are rather tender inside, appearing golden or slightly burnt outside. First cut the ingredients in slice or flat pieces and rubbed with seasoning. For crispiness, ingredients coated with cornstarch. Ingredients should be fried one side first and then turn to other. Braising In this method cooks ingredients over medium heat in small amount of sauce and simmering for short time of period. Also known as Hong Shao when the sauce is based on soy sauce. Boiling This is the simplest method among all the methods. It is used for small sized and soft ingredients, mostly for the vegetable soups like egg and tomato and tofu soup. It takes shorter time than braising. Prepared ingredients placed in wok with water and seasonings when the surface of the water is agitated by bubbles. Steaming This is the special method invented in china. It is used for steaming dumplings and buns in north china. In this method, place the ingredients in a steamer basket which is placed over water in a steamer pot. Roasting Roasting is to cook the food over the open flame of charcoal or in oven. To roast food, the ingredients must be cleaned, seasoned and basted with edible oil in order to reduce the loss of moisture in the ingredients during the roasting process. Regional differences within the country â€Å"There is no single Chinese diet but a wide variety of diets across the country that varies with ethnic and geographic differences.†Chinese cuisine is divided into two distinct styles northern and southern. There is a plenty of regional diversity between southern and northern region in the country’s cuisine also plenty of customs and traditions associated with the preparing and consumption of food. Northern cuisine is characterized by its extensive use of oil but the food itself is not cloyed. Northern people believe that the use of vinegar and garlic make the food delicious and tasty. There are many northern dishes that revolve around pasta. Northern popular dishes are ravioli-dumplings, noodles, steamed stuffed buns, steamed bread and fried meat dumplings. The areas of Tientsin and Shantung are the regions that are known for making use of Northern style north Beijing jiaozi, Peking duck, Chinese traditional dumpling. Jiaozi is filled with pork and vegetables but it can be varied by the fruits or chestnuts. In history Peking duck is served to important and wealthy during the Qing dynasty. In southern style cooking people are used to use chili papers making the food more peppery and the food in general is known to possess tenderness and freshness. It doesn’t mean that all the food prepared in south is peppery, people can choose food according to their taste. Rice dishes like rice cake, noodles and congee are very popular in southern style cooking. In south, food taste is varies according to cities like people in shanghai like to eat sweet, Wuhan people like to eat peppery taste, some people in other cities like to eat salty food. In south, Guangdong region is famous for its light flavor and cooking technique and another creation of this region is dim sum which is small bite sized appetizer food.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Person Who Influenced Me Essay Example for Free
Person Who Influenced Me Essay One of the people who had a significant influence on me was my best friend. She influenced me in almost all the aspects of my life. We both work part-time in a hospital nearby, she works as an LVN, while I am just a secretary there doing administrative or paper work. I have seen how she extends help to other people. It is so heartwarming and amazing how she takes care of other people she does not even know at all. As an LVN, she takes care of the individuals who are suffering from injuries, sicknesses, disabilities, and even those who are on their way to recovery (US.. n. p. ). She does the aforementioned though based on the physicians’, as well as, registered nurses’ instructions (US.. n. p. ). She is also responsible for checking the patient’s blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and other vital signs (Unit.. n. p. ). It is also her responsibility to change wound dressings, check catheters, manage bedsores, provides alcohol massages, as well as, to inject patients (Texas.. n. p. ). In addition, she is also accountable for a patient’s allergic reactions to any medication or treatment provided for by the health care institution (US.. n. p. ). Furthermore, it is also her task to carry out laboratory tests or gather samples for testing, feed patients, and note down the intake of food and fluid, as well as, the number of times the patient’s urinated and defecated (Ellis-Christensen n. p. ). Moreover, she also oversees the patient’s personal hygiene as well (US.. n. p. ). The LVN ought to help out a patient when taking a bath, dressing up, etc (US.. n. p. ). She also oversees patients who are about to take in prescribed medicines or intravenous fluids (US.. n. p. ). She even provides assistance in the delivery, as well as, feeding of babies (US.. , 2006). My best friend also takes charge and direct nursing assistants and aides (US.. n. p. ). Last but not least, she is also in charge of assessment of needs of the patients, development of care plans, supervision of nursing aides, organization of patients’ records, setting of appointments, and other responsibilities which are categorically clerical (US.. n. p. ). Because of all the tasks and responsibilities assigned to her and which she handled extremely well, I have been influenced greatly by her personal qualities and abilities including being: exceedingly caring; extremely sympathetic; emotionally stable; can keep up with continuous stress; enthusiastic; very devoted; decision-making skills; good communication skills; flexibility in taking orders of supervisors; positive outlook in life; and extreme patience (US.. n. p. ). Aside from that, we are also housemates. If we’re not going to school, not at work, or not in the mall, we’re at home watching television (US.. n. p. ). Another one of her influences on me since I am not really into watching television (US.. n. p. ). I became fond of television shows wherein the host/s, as well as, the guest/s articulates their commentaries on certain issues (Hersch n. p. ). I came to appreciate it because I realized that through it, the viewers will have the chance to better understand the issue being discussed and eventually, because of the brilliant commentaries they have seen and heard on television, they will be able to make a stand as well (Hersch n. p. ). This made me perceive the world to be full of unresolved issues, as well as, full of intellectually-opinionated people (Hersch n. p. ). Through my best friend’s influence concerning watching television, I never failed to catch recent developments, as well as, discoveries in terms of science and technology (Hersch n. p. ). By watching so, I had the opportunity to know what the latest gadgets are that may be useful in the daily lives of men (Hersch n. p. ). I am also very grateful for the medical breakthroughs featured on television which continues to provide me with the necessary information on my sicknesses, as well as, that of the rest of my family and friends (Hersch n. p. ). In addition, this made me see the world as something which is always hungry for functional discoveries/technologies (Hersch n. p. ). Those two aforementioned are the significant influences of my best friend on me. References Ellis-Christensen, Tricia. What is an LVN? 2007. n. a. 01 August 2007 http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-an-lvn. htm Hersch, P. Watching Television.Psychology Today, n. v. (September 1987): n. p. Texas Board of Nurse Examiners. Interpretive Guideline for LVN Scope of Practice. 24 January 2006 n. a. 01 August 2007 http://www. bne. state. tx. us/practice/lvn-guide. html Unit Three: Acute Care. n. d. n. a. 01 August 2007 http://72. 14. 253. 104/search? q=cache:oEoJm_PiMa0J:www. coursewareobjects. com/objects/evolve/E2/book_pages/lpn/pdfs/Linton_ManagementSupervisionBox. pdf+LVN+%2B+responsibiliteshl=tlct=clnkcd=1gl=phclient=firefox-a US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Licensed Vocational Nurses. n. d. n. a. 01 August 2007 http://www. bls. gov/oco/ocos102. htm
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Propolis and Calcium Hydroxide Against Enterococcus Faecalis
Propolis and Calcium Hydroxide Against Enterococcus Faecalis Title: An in-vitro comparison of endodontic medicaments Propolis and Calcium hydroxide alone and in combination with Ciprofloxacin and Moxifloxacin against Enterococcus faecalis. Abstract: Aim: To evaluate and compare the antimicrobial properties of Propolis and Calcium hydroxide alone and in combination with Ciprofloxacin and Moxifloxacin against Enterococcus faecalis (E. Faecalis). Materials and Methods The laboratory study was carried out to test the effectiveness of propolis and calcium hydroxidealone as well as in combination with the established endodontic medicaments (Moxifloxacin and Ciprofloxacin). The various combinations were : Group1: Propolis, Group 2: calcium hydroxide, Group 3: Moxifloxacin, Group 4: Ciprofloxacin, Group 5: Propolis + Moxifloxacin, Group 6: Propolis + Ciprofloxacin, Group 7: Calcium hydroxide + Ciprofloxacin, Group 8: Calcium hydroxide + Moxifloxacin. The efficacy of these medicaments was tested by checking for the zone of inhibition for the specific strain (ATCC 29212) of Enterococcus faecalis at different time intervals i.e. 24hr, 48hr and 72hr. Results Mean zone of inhibition was maximum in Group V (21.94Â ±4.26) followed by Group VI (18.80Â ±1.93), Group I (18.71Â ±4.26), Group VIII (15.88Â ±2.59), Group III (14.91Â ±1.00), Group VII (14.57Â ±2.17), Group IV (13.91Â ±1.00) and minimum in Group II (12.89Â ±2.14). Mean zone of inhibition were found to be maximum at 72 hr and minimum at 24 hr. At all time intervals, the combination of Propalis with Moxiflocacin showed the maximum antimicrobial efficacy. Conclusion: On the basis of the results of the present study it can be concluded that Propolis and Calcium hydroxide show synergistic effect with Moxifloxacin and Ciprofloxacin against E. Faecalis. Propolis in combination with antibiotics and alone is more effective than calcium hydroxide. Clinical significance: Since propolis alone and in combination with antibiotics was observed to be more effective than calcium hydroxide, propolis can be considered as an intra canal medicament when compared to traditional calcium hydroxide. Key words: Calcium Hydroxide, Ciprofloxacin, E. fecalis, Intra canal medicaments, Laboratory research, Moxifloxacin, Propolis. Introduction: For successful endodontic treatment, proper diagnosis, thorough chemo-mechanical preparation, and three dimensional obturation of root canal space are paramount. Regardless of these treatment protocols, bacteria can still persist in the complex anatomy of root canal space, thus the ability of intra canal medicament to restrain or eliminate residual bacteria and prevent re-infection may play an increasingly important role in achieving and maintaining a higher success rate of root canal treatment.1 The most common species recovered in over one-third of the canals of root filled teeth with persisting periapical lesion is the Enterococcus faecalis (E. Faecalis). Enterococcus faecalis is a gram positive, facultative anaerobic, coccoid bacteria. Medicaments are recommended to eliminate remaining microbes in the root canal, dentinal tubules, accessory canals, canal irregularities (such as fins, transverse anastomoses, apical deltas and other ramifications) and in the periapical/periodontal tissue to reduce periapical inflammation, encourage periapical healing, eliminate apical exudates, control inflammatory root resorption and avert contamination of the canal between appointment.2 Earlier strong intracanal antiseptics such as formacresol and camphorated parachlorophenol were used, but due to their detrimental effects on the connective tissue, their use is limited, now-a-days. The excellent biologic and antimicrobial properties of calcium hydroxide have made it the preferred choice for intracanal dressing of the infected roots canals.1 Calcium hydroxide has been added to several endodontic sealers to improve their biological properties and to augment their antibacterial activity. When used as an intracanal medicament, the most important property of calcium hydroxide is its strong antimicrobial activity. Its high pH alters the biological lipopolysaccharides in the cell walls of Gram-negative species, there by inactivating the membrane transport mechanisms.3 Propolis is a resinous product rich in flavanoid. It has been used as in a number of ways; an anticaries agent, for dentinal hypersensitivity as sealant, storage medium for avulsed tooth, for pulp capping. Propolis is ten times less cytotoxic than calcium hydroxide and has a distinguished antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, immunomodulatry, antioxidant effect. Recent studies have reported that propolis is more effective against resistant microorganisms and is biocompatible. In endodontic procedures antibiotics can be used as an important aide but their ineffectiveness through systemic route of administration has led to the intra canal application, in order to increase their efficacy.1 Moxifloxacin and Ciprofloxacin are members of the quinolones. Among the drugs commonly used for endodontic infection, ciprofloxacin is indicated due to its efficient action against oral anaerobes, gram +ve aerobic microorganisms (Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis, Sptreptococcus spp) and gram -ve enterobacteria (Escherichia coli, Enterobacter spp and Pseudomonas), which show MIC90 between 0.015 and 2 ÃŽ ¼g/mL respectively. All the species of streptococcus are sensitive to concentrations between 1.0 and 8.0 ÃŽ ¼g/mL; Other Streptococcal species like S. aureus and S. epidermidis are also sensitive to concentrations between 0.25 and 1.0 ÃŽ ¼g/mL.4,5 Ciprofloxacin has antimicrobial activity against most Gram-negative bacilli and cocci but limited activity against most Gram-positive organisms. Moxifloxacin is a new fluoroquinolone with expended spectrum of activity, including anaerobes and Gram positive organisms, especially the multi-resistant ones.3,6-10 Moxifloxacin has been found to be one of the most active antibiotics against E. faecalis with the lowest MIC50 and MIC90. From the previous literature it has been proved that ciprofloxacin to be more active other antibiotics.3,6,8,9,11 The usage of local antibiotics in endodontic treatment was advocated by Grossman in 1951. Since then numerous antibiotics have been used during endodontic treatment. The antibiotic combination has proved advantageous with the usage of triantibiotic paste.12 The laboratory study was carried out to test the effectiveness of propolis and calcium hydroxidealone as well as in combination with the established endodontic medicaments (Moxifloxacin and Ciprofloxacin). Materials and method: The study was carried out in the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics and Department of Microbiology at Saraswati Dental College and Hospital, Lucknow, India. Propolis (Hi-Tech Natural product India Ltd), Calcium Hydroxide (Vishaldentocare), Moxifloxacin (Avelox), Ciprofloxacin (Ciplox-500) were used in this study. They were distributed in different groups as presented in table no 1. The efficacy of these medicaments was tested by checking for the zone of inhibition for the specific strain (ATCC 29212) of Enterococcus faecalis at different time intervals i.e. 24hr, 48hr and 72hr. Specific stain (ATCC 29212) of Enterococcus Faecalis was procured and grown on Brain Heart Infusion Broth (BHI) under favorable temperature overnight and the growth was checked by changes in the turbidity at 24 hours. Blood Agar Media Plate was inoculated with Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 29212) by spreading the culture over the surface of the plate with a swab. Intermittent scraping of the culture was done at different sites to make wells for the placement of experimental intracanal medicament. The experimental groups were used in their minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against Enterocaccus faecalis (ATCC 29212). MIC of the various antibiotics used in this study was – Propalis 340 Â µg/mL, Calcium hydroxide 2500 Â µg/mL, Moxifloxacin 2 Â µg/mL and Ciprofloxacin 8 Â µg/mL .2,13 Propolis, Calcium hydroxide and antibiotics were used as a paste in which saline acted as a vehicle. Propolis and Calcium hydroxide were mixed separately with saline on a glass slab, with the help of cement spatula, to prepare the paste. For obtaining the antibiotic paste, tablets of Ciprofloxacin and Moxifloxacin were crushed in mortar and pestle and then mixed with saline on glass slab with cement spatula. Plates were subjected to incubation at 30 Â °c for 24hrs, 48 hrs and 72 hrs (Figure 1) and the diameter of the zones of inhibition were measured in millimeters with HiAntimicrobial Inhibition Zone Scale tm C (HiMedia Laboratories Pvt Limited, Mumbai) (Figure 2). The observations were subjected to descriptive and inferential (ANOVA) statistical analysis. Results: Table 2 shows the mean zones of inhibition in different groups irrespective of time. Zones of inhibitions ranged from 10 mm (Group II) to 28 mm (Group VI). Mean zone of inhibition was maximum in Group V (21.94Â ±4.26) followed by Group VI (18.80Â ±1.93), Group I (18.71Â ±4.26),Group VIII (15.88Â ±2.59), Group III (14.91Â ±1.00), Group VII (14.57Â ±2.17), Group IV (13.91Â ±1.00) and minimum in Group II (12.89Â ±2.14). Table 3 shows the ANOVA applied in different groups. Statistically, intergroup differences were significant (p Group I ~ Group VI > Group VIII ~ Group III ~ Group VII ~ Group IV ~ Group II. Table 4 shows the mean zones of inhibition at different time intervals in different groups. Mean zone of inhibition were maximum at 72 hr and minimum at 24 hr, and the intergroup differences were significant. At all the time intervals, group V showed the maximum antimicrobial efficacy. Discussion: Intracanal medicaments are used to eliminate remnant microbial flora after a thorough chemo-mechanical preparation of root canal and hasten the healing process. Propolis which is a very effective natural product and has been a part of popular medicine since thousands of years 14, 15. The color of Propolis is dark. Made from material collected from plants by bees, It is used against pathogenic microorganisms. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties it is effective against infection, rheumatism, muscular and articular diseases, and other types of inflammation.15-17 The chemical composition of propolis varies widely. Over 200 substances have been identified in the various varieties of propolis extracted from various geographical regions, which includes phenolic acids, esters, flavonoids, alcohols, aromatic aldehydes, fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Special emphasis is given to the flavonoids and phenolic acids mainly responsible for its biological activity. Propolis exh ibits antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, that why it has been suggested as a root canal medicament.15,18,19 Calcium hydroxide, a white, odorless powder is one of the main stay of the root canal medicaments. It has a low solubility in water, insoluble in alcohol and a high pH. The extended clinical action of calcium hydroxide is well known. It is biocompatible, and has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action; it also activates the alkaline phosphatase enzyme, which in turn induces mineralized tissue formation and aid in the repair process. Chemically it is classified as a strong base, and when it is associated with a suitable vehicle produces an alkaline paste. Calcium hydroxide paste dissociates into calcium and the hydroxyl ions, the resulting environment will turn alkaline because of hydroxyl ions, due to this action it is a very good root canal dressing material. For the destruction of pathogenic bacteria of root canal and dentinal tubules , these hydroxyl ions should be capable to diffuse in dentin and persist in pulp tissues in a maximum concentration to produce the pH level requir ed 15,20. Moreover various other studies reported by Molander A. and Tirali et al found CaOH to have synergistic effect with other endodontic medicaments.21,22 Ciprofloxacin, a second generation fluoroquinolone antibiotic, inhibits bacterial DNA synthesis. In dentistry, it is used as a broad spectrum antimicrobial and is effective against gram negative bacteria (staphylococcus and pseudomonas). One of the important drugs of fourth-generation syntheticfluoroquinolone is Moxifloxacin. It has superior activity against Gram+ve bacteria and anaerobes as compared to levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin.Moxifloxacin is abroad-spectrum antibioticthat is active against bothGram-positiveandGram-negativebacteria. It inhibitsDNA gyrase, enzyme which inhibit cell replication by separating bacterial DNA 12. First and second generation fluoroquinolones selectively inhibit topoisomerase II ligase domain, which leaves the two nuclease domains intact. This particular modification, coupled with the stable action of the topoisomerase II within the cell of bacteria through nucleasic activity of the intact enzyme leads to DNA fragmentation. The further generations of fluoroquinolones i.e third and fourth acts selectively for topoisomerase IV ligase domain, which makes them more effective against gram positive coverage.12,23 Antimicrobial property of propolis is due to inhibition of bacterial DNA-dependant RNA polymerases. Synergism amid antibacterial agents and propolis has been observed by Madarova L in 1980. Grange JM and Davey RW found that there was synergism between antimicrobial drugs and propolis against S. aureus particularly those which interfere with bacterial protein synthesis.24-26 Noori Al-Wahi found propalis to have synergistic properties with honey.27 Although calcium hydroxide does not bond to dentin, it does have antibacterial property. Its mechanism of actions is through the ionic break down of Ca(+) and OH(-) ions and corresponding effects on vital tissues. Protein denaturation and damage to DNA and cytoplasmic membranes are responsible for fatality of calcium hydroxide on bacterial cells .28 E fecalis appears to be highly resistant to the antimicrobial effect of calcium hydroxide. Evans et al. reported that at pH of 11.1, E. faecalis was resistant to calcium hydroxide but unable to survive at higher pH. After intracanal dressing of calcium hydroxide in radicular dentin, due to its buffering effect, the alkalinity may only reach a ph of 10.3. This one factor may be responsible to the resistance of E faecalis to Calcium hydroxide. The presence of proton pump in the cell wall of E faecalis, could be another reason for its resistance towards Calcium hydroxide.29 In the present study Propolis alone and with antibiotic was found to be more effective than calcium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide with antibiotics. Rezende Ceps R et al and Jahromi MZ et al have also found propolis to be more effective than CaOH. Propolis showed the synergistic effect with ciprofloxacin and moxifloxacin at all time intervals.13,30 In this study Propolis showed maximum efficiency against Enterococcus faecalis in combination with Moxifloxacin followed by Ciprofloxacin, which is similar to the results obtained by Krolet et al, Fernandis A et al, Ricardo Oliveria et al, Gheda Helaly et al, Kracko M et al and Stepanovic S et al who found propolis to have synergistic effect with various antibiotics.31-36 Calcium hydroxide also showed synergistic effect with antibiotic at all time intervals, which was maximum with Moxifloxacin followed by Ciprofloxacin at all time intervals. Conclusion: On the basis of the results of the present study it can be concluded that Propolis and Calcium hydroxide show synergistic effect with Moxifloxacin and Ciprofloxacin against E. Faecalis. Propolis in combination with antibiotics and alone is more effective than calcium hydroxide. The use of Moxifloxacin as an intracanal medicament should be seriously explored. In order to draw more definitive conclusions, a wider and more detailed study needs to be undertaken. Clinical significance: Since propolis alone and in combination with antibiotics was observed to be more effective than calcium hydroxide, propolis can be considered as an intracanal medicament when compared to traditional calcium hydroxide.
fiv feline aids :: essays research papers fc
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus           Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is one of the top five killers of domestic cats in the U.S. In fact 3% of healthy cats were reported to have contracted the disease in the year 1999. FIV is a fatal disease and interestingly enough most FIV cats don’t die of the disease it self by by other infections caused by their lowed immune system. FIV causes a deficiency in the immune system and makes cats very susceptible to a huge variety of medical problems basically because they have no fighting power. Case Report: Signalment- â€Å" Bella†Smith; 4 year old S/F DMH Chief Complaint- not eating, diarrhea, sudden unfriendliness History- Owner says Bella has been acting unfriendly for about two weeks (e.g. wont let owner pet or hold her anymore, also she hides under the bed constantly) owner also says Bella’s appetite has gone very low, she used to feed her one cup of dry every morning and one half a can of wet food at night and now she wont eat ‘hardly any of either’. Owner has seen diarrhea in litter box for 3 days. Bella had her kitten shots and boosters but no Hx of fiv/felv testing, deforming, fecal or blood analysis. S.O.A.P: S†¦ qar; mm=pink; poor coat w/ matted sections O†¦t=103.6, p=44, r=48, CRT=> 4 sec., *** FIV/FeLV test positive (+) for FIV. A†¦ Bella is FIV+ P†¦* FIV tested +; *hospitalization for observation; *200 ml Normasol fluids SQ then *iv fluids @150ml/hr, 3 ml vit B complex added; urinalysis to be performed in a.m. after completion of fluid therapy. â€Å"Feline Retro Virus Testing and Management†Compendium magazine July 2001           This article explains how to test for and care for FIV. The only way to prevent your cat from contracting FIV is by preventing contact with FIV infected cats.      FIV testing is the best thing to do whenever your cat gets sick, no matter if they have tested negative for the disease before. Cats of all ages should be tested because it is so hard to know if your cat has come in contact with infected cats. â€Å"Infected cats may remain symptomatic for years during which time they may serve as unapparent sources of infection to other cats in the household†(Mary Tompkins, DVM, PhD). Basically if you have a cat, or cats, and u want to get another it is in the best interests of you and each one of the cats to be tested for FIV to ensure their heath and safety.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Growing Problem of Terrorism and Terrorists Essay -- Terrorists E
Individuals often establish belief systems in regard to attitudes, behaviors, religions, and other areas based on beliefs and practices that they accepted during the early stages of maturation when many of their interactions were influenced by their families, who both supported and practiced the same traditions. In America the customary stance toward these varied opinions is to view them with tolerance, regardless of how strange or wrong the belief or action might seem. While individually people may disagree with the beliefs of other people, under ordinary circumstances, most Americans would either offer friendly advice or completely ignore situations that would not lead to dangerous or deadly outcomes. However, it seems to me that some people within practically all groups, regardless of their designations, sometimes decide to carry their belief systems to the extreme. Extremists move into the category of fanatics or radicals who seek to establish their belief systems as the only means for achieving a desired outcome. When people become fanatics, they believe that their ideals are the only acceptable way to live. Some will seek to destroy others who do not believe or act as they do. At that point, extremists become terrorists because they try to force others to accept their practices in such areas as social behaviors, politics, and religion. Terrorists frequently want everyone to practice the same social behaviors. Dressing in a particular style, eating specific foods... The Growing Problem of Terrorism and Terrorists Essay -- Terrorists E Individuals often establish belief systems in regard to attitudes, behaviors, religions, and other areas based on beliefs and practices that they accepted during the early stages of maturation when many of their interactions were influenced by their families, who both supported and practiced the same traditions. In America the customary stance toward these varied opinions is to view them with tolerance, regardless of how strange or wrong the belief or action might seem. While individually people may disagree with the beliefs of other people, under ordinary circumstances, most Americans would either offer friendly advice or completely ignore situations that would not lead to dangerous or deadly outcomes. However, it seems to me that some people within practically all groups, regardless of their designations, sometimes decide to carry their belief systems to the extreme. Extremists move into the category of fanatics or radicals who seek to establish their belief systems as the only means for achieving a desired outcome. When people become fanatics, they believe that their ideals are the only acceptable way to live. Some will seek to destroy others who do not believe or act as they do. At that point, extremists become terrorists because they try to force others to accept their practices in such areas as social behaviors, politics, and religion. Terrorists frequently want everyone to practice the same social behaviors. Dressing in a particular style, eating specific foods...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
because i c ould not stop death Essay -- essays research papers fc
Dickinson's Because I Could Not Stop For Death Collamer M Abbott. The Explicator. Washington: Spring 2000.Vol. 58, Iss. 3; pg. 140, 4 pgs People: Dickinson, Emily (1830-86) Author(s): Collamer M Abbott Document types: Feature Publication title: The Explicator. Washington: Spring 2000. Vol. 58, Iss. 3; pg. 140, 4 pgs Source type: Periodical ISSN/ISBN: 00144940 Text Word Count 1077 Document URL: entId=43168&RQT=309&VName=PQD Abstract (Document Summary) Once one realizes that Emily Dickinson is talking about a stone burial vault in "Because I could not stop for Death," an image that expands the metaphoric power of the poem, one can appreciate more fully related imagery in her poems. The figure of the "House" in "Because I could not stop for Death" and "I died for Beauty" expands the symbolism immeasurably beyond the moldy receptacle of an underground grave, to a hospitable dwelling. Full Text (1077 words) Copyright HELDREF PUBLICATIONS Spring 2000 Because I could not stop for Death He kindly stopped for me The Carriage held but just Ourselves And Immortality. We slowly drove-He knew no haste And I had put away My labor and my leisure too, For His Civility We passed the School, where Children strove At Recess-in the Ring We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain We passed the Setting Sun Or rather-He passed Us The Dews drew quivering and chill For only Gossamer, my Gown My Tippet-only Tulle We paused before a House that seemed A Swelling of the Ground The Roof was scarcely visible The Cornice-in the GroundSince then--'tis Centuries-and yet Feels shorter than the Day I first surmised the Horses' Heads were toward Eternity--* -Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson's "Because I could not stop for Death" (no. 712) has aroused conflicting interpretations. For example, Clark Griffith in The Long Shadow sees death as a "courtly lover," and "kindness" and "civility" he accepts "at face value" as describing "Death" as a "gentleman" (127-31). We can accept little at face value in Dickinson, and this is why she is so difficult to interpret. Griffith has a point, however. "Death," in this poem, may represent the funeral director, because in... ...ion of preservation for which these structures are used, not only of vegetables in a root cellar, but of roses, and of the "Immortality" of Dickinson's speaker for "Centuries" that "feel shorter than the day"-for "Eternity." The figure of the "House" in these poems expands the symbolism immeasurably beyond the moldy receptacle of an underground grave, to a hospitable dwelling. -COLLAMER M. ABBOTT, White River Junction, Vermont [Footnote] *Reprinted by permission of the publisher and the Trustees of Amherst College from The Poems of Emily Dickinson, Thomas H. Johnson, ed. Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, copyright 1951, 1955, 1979, 1983 by the President and fellows of Harvard College. [Reference] WORKS CITED Farr, Judith. The Passion of Entity Dickinson. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1992. Griffith, Clark. The Long Shadow: Entity Dickinson's Tragic Poetry. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1964. Johnson, Thomas H. The Complete Poems of Entity Dickinson. Boston, Little, 1955. All references to Dickinson's poems are to this edition. Miller, Ruth. The Poetry of Entity Dickinson Middletown: Wesleyan UP, 1968.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Dowry system in india Essay
Dowry is derived from the ancient Hindu customs of ‘kanyadan’ and ‘stridhan’. In ‘kanyadan’, the father of the bride offers the father of the groom money or property, etc whereas for ‘stridhan’, the bride herself gets jewelry and clothes at the time of her marriage, usually from her relatives or friends. In Varadakshina’, the father of the bride presents the groom cash or kind. All of these could be done voluntarily and out of affection and love. The Hindu marriage system is sacramental. According to this system, a marriage is forever and there is no scope for a separation. Among the various ceremonies previously practiced, the ceremony in front of a ‘godly’ fire (‘Yajna’ in Sanskrit) has taken over, the old-fashioned system of marrying a wife by capture. This form of marriage began the practice of dowry, where originally, the family of the bride would accept gifts and money from the groom’s family as an alternative to bloodshed during the capture of the bride. A later modification of this system has paved way for the present dowry system primarily practiced by the society. The dowry custom continues to rule our society. In majority of Indian families, the boy has legacy rights, while the girl is given a large sum at the time of her marriage in lieu of the government regulated equal rights for girls in parental property. Thus, dowry system has spread in almost all parts of the country and sections of society. There are several reasons for the occurrence of the dowry system, but the main one is that it is a necessary precondition for marriage. ‘No dowry, no marriage’ is a widespread fear. There has also been an appearance of a feudal mindset with a materialistic attitude in a new globalised economy. The price tag for the groom is now bigger and bolder. The emergence of an affluent middle class, the torchbearer of social change in modern India, is the main factor for the continuation of the dowry system. Families arrange most marriages, and a man who does not marry for love; he can marry for wealth. For this man and his family, a woman becomes the ticket to shortcut riches through the system of dowry. There are a number of things people desire to have in their own houses but cannot afford; they use the opportunity of a son’s marriage to get them. The girl’s parents do not protest against variety, as they regard the union as a stepping-stone towards higher social status and better matches for the remaining children. Dowry as a phenomenon has gone beyond the ritual of marriage. Pregnancy, childbirth and all kinds of religious and family functions are occasions when such demands are made. A more sophisticated public image of an extended gifting session has replaced the old system. Now there is demand for receptions in marriage places. The trousseau includes designer wear for the bride and groom’s family. Chefs are flown in for multi-cuisine wedding dinners. The bride’s family usually pays for all this. The rich revel in the exchange of their black money, but this in turn exerts pressure on the other classes to ape them with serious social consequences. The women have become a kind of commodity. It is them who are the worst sufferers because dowry is most often a monetary agreement between two men – the bride’s father and the groom. Caste-based practices have only added fuel to the fire. Marriages in political families are arranged to consolidate the caste base for support in electoral politics, so they do not challenge the dowry system. Dowry rituals have now spread even to communities where they were unknown. It has gone to different castes, crossed the boundaries of provinces and education and religion. Muslims and Christians, such as the Syrian Christians of Kerala and the Roman Catholics of Mangalore have started demanding dowry. Official statistics show a steady rise in dowry crimes. More and more women are killed every year in India for dowry. Bihar and Uttar Pradesh still record the maximum number of dowry crimes, but Bangalore, India’s fastest growing city also shows an alarming rise – four women reportedly die every day because of dowry harassment and domestic violence. The cases of dowry torture are the highest accounting for 32.4% of crimes against women in the country. The Dowry Prohibition Act, in force since 1st July 1961, was passed with the purpose of prohibiting the demanding, giving and taking of dowry. In 1980, the Government setup a committee that recommended amendments in the Dowry Prohibition Act and also suggested expanding the definition of dowry and instituting family courts and National Commission for women. Many parliamentary debates led to some amendments in 1983,1984 and 1986. To stop the offences of cruelty by husband or his relatives on the wife, Section 498-A was added in the Indian Penal Code and Section 198-A in the Criminal Procedure Code in the year 1983. The Dowry Prohibition Act clearly stipulates that a person who gives or takes or helps in the giving or taking of dowry can be sentenced to jail for 5 years and fined Rs. 15,000/- or the amount of the value of dowry, whichever is more. The Act also prohibits the giving and taking directly or indirectly any property or valuable security, any amount either in cash of kind, jewelry, articles, properties, etc. in respect of a marriage. The control is provided by stating a limit and names of people gifting and their relationship to the married couple to be signed by both sides of parents. In 1986, the Act was amended again, empowering State governments to appoint Dowry Prohibition Officers, who not only had a preventive role but also had powers to collect evidence against people who took dowry. Despite protest by women’s organisations, serious activism, legal amendments, special police cells for women, media support and heightened awareness of dowry being a crime, the practice continues unabated on a massive scale. Despite every stigma, dowry continues to be the signature of marriage. Women need real social, political, financial and moral support in their fight against the system. They have to be empowered so that they can take their decisions about their own life by refusing the dowry system.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Admission Essay & Who is your biggest influence in life?
In my life, the most influential personality has been of my mother. She has been of great help to me throughout my life.  Because of a civil war in Ethiopia, my home country, my father was forced to flee to Sudan.  The wives and children of men who fled were dying of hunger and dehydration. Even I would have met an unfortunate fate if my mother had not taken care of me. She sacrificed her belongings and happiness to nourish me. Because of all the things that she did for me, she has been the most influential personality in my life.For all the things that she has done for me, she has never asked for anything in return. She just wants to see me as a well-educated girl. She believes that education will be a key to success for me. She keeps reminding me that with education, I will be able to secure my future.My mother looks so happy when she talks about education and how it will benefit me in the future. She has been an inspiration for me throughout my life. It is because of her that I have reached this far.Eleven years after my father fled to Sudan, I and my mother came to America- the land of opportunities. I could not be happier than I was at the time when I saw my father.  Sometime after we came to America, my father passed away.I was then at the mercy of my mother who was very kind and supportive of me. She took great pains to bring me up in this big new country. It is because of all these things that I place a great value on my mother and have chosen her as a person who has had a great influence on me throughout my trying life.Why do you want to attend this school?When I was coming to America, I was excited about all the opportunities that awaited me here. One of them was the provision of quality education.I really looked forward to attending a reputed university. My parents have always dreamt of seeing me as a well-educated person. Before my father left this world, he always advised me to get good education. Now, I want to make my mother and decea sed father proud of me by obtaining quality education. To this end, UMass Boston is the gateway to my dream and I am determined to change my life.I want to attend UMass Boston for its diverse student body and high-quality faculty. While attending UMass Boston, I will avail the opportunity to be taught by the highly-esteemed faculty of yours.  A diverse student body will offer me a chance to learn from their rich experiences. I will also have an opportunity to study among students who will have an urge to learn.My financial standing does not allow me to pay a high fee of any institute but UMass Boston’s fee is affordable. So, another reason that I want to attend UMass Boston is its financial affordability.I am sure that my stay at UMass Boston will be a meaningful one. It will enable me to excel in my chosen field of study. I also believe that I will be a good addition to your university.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Michael Pollan on Peter Singer
In his article published in the New York Times, Michael Pollan interprets Peter Singer’s thoutghs as those of an ardent defender of animal rights, especially with regard to those slaughtered for meat.According to Pollan, Singer looks at the moral obligation of treating people with equal capabilities and uses it in the context of the relationship between people and animals. Singer’s argument is not to give animals equal rights with people per se, but at least consider their rights where they both share interest.Because avoiding pain is a behavior associated with both humans and animals, animals should be given moral consideration on those grounds. Singer’s arguments, according to Pollan, have led to the conversion of thousands of people into vegetarians. Singer is therefore depicted as strong animal rights crusader.Pollan defends the meat eating culture in a number of ways. First, he believes that animals have the habit of eating each other all the time, and t herefore human beings are justified to eat them. The problem with this argument is that animals kill in order to survive. Human beings, on the other hand, do not have to kill to survive. His second argument on why human beings should kill animals is based on domestication of animals. His position is that farm animals would be worse off if they lived in the wild. However, domestication is driven by a demand, and that is the reason why domesticated animals exist.Indeed, animal rightist believe that if there were no domesticated animals, there would be no suffering for them. Pollan finally accepts that animal suffering is a legitimate problem, but expresses the need to solve human problems first. Again, this perspective puts animals at a disadvantage because they cannot participate in any moral decision making process.Pollan appears to embrace utilitarianism on the grounds that humans owe animals that can feel pain moral consideration, and this justifies why they should be eaten . Pollan concludes that industrialization has led to the loss of human feelings, which he refers as dehumanization. Specifically, he points out that America raises and slaughters animals in a brutal manner more than any other country.However, he insists that there is some kind of protectionism, whereby a variety of key players lack adequate information on the real status of the meat industry in America. If this information were to become available, the meat industry would undergo an overnight transformation, with meat becoming more expensive.  People will eat meat while giving the animals the respect they deserve. Pollan does not call for total abolishment of the places where animals are slaughtered, but rather advocates for a more humane way of growing and slaughtering them.Pollan’s argument appears more rational because his case is argued from a holistic perspective, taking views from both animal rightists and meat crusaders. His final stand is based on an analysis of the interests of both the animal rightists and meat crusaders, while that of singer appears to strictly consider animal rights only. Meat eating has featured in the diet of human beings for a long time.The hunter-gatherer societies and the early man both exploited meat, not for luxury but for subsistence. The idea of animal farming is to sustain the meat industry without compromising the availability of meat in the future. This, however, should be done in the most humane way. For example, animals should be allocated sufficient space for exercise while they are being grown. They should also be slaughtered in such a manner that they should encounter least pain.ReferencesPollan, M. (2002). An Animals Place. The New York Times magazine. Retrieved from on 9th April 2009
Faces of Aids: Gender Inequality and Hiv/Aids
Running Head: Face of AIDS: Gender Inequality and HIV/AIDS 1 Face of AIDS: Gender Inequality and HIV/AIDS Introduction The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which eventually develops into acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a devastating disease that has reached pandemic levels, affecting all populations worldwide. Since the first reported case of HIV/AIDS in the early 1980s, HIV/AIDS has become one of the leading causes of mortality across the globe in the history of mankind (U. S.Global Health Policy [USGHP], 2010). While HIV/AIDS has contributed significantly to the global burden of disease; amongst those living with HIV/AIDS, it has had devastating impacts on women and girls. Amid 40 million people living with HIVAIDS globally, virtually half of them are women (Quinn & Overbaugh, 2005). In addition, new infection rates have been escalating dramatically worldwide, with most centralized in developing countries (The Global Coalition on Women and AIDS [GCWA], n. d. ).In su b-Saharan Africa, women account for almost 60% of all infected adults, while girls account for approximately 75% of all infected young people between ages of 15 and 24 (Brijnath, 2007; Quinn & Overbaugh, 2005). In developing countries such as sub-Saharan Africa, the proportion of women infected with HIV/AIDS is also on the rise, for every ten men infected with HIV/AIDS, 13 women are diagnosed HIV-positive (Brijnath, 2007). In developed countries such as United States, the incidence of HIV/AIDS had increased by 15% compared with 1% that of men from 1999 to 2003 (Quinn & Overbaugh, 2005).These alarming statistics imply an ominous future for women and girls affected by the disease – feminization of HIV/AIDS. This paper will highlight the burden of disease implications on gender inequality in developing nations. Running Head: Face of AIDS: Gender Inequality and HIV/AIDS 2 Feminization of HIV/AIDS When HIV/AIDS cases were first reported, it was viewed that HIV/AIDS was a disease a mongst homosexual men, and the main modes of transmission were through men who have sex with men (MSM).Presently, however, 80% of infections were contracted through heterosexual sex while 19% were through drug injections (Quinn & Overbaugh, 2005). It is evident that women and girls are bearing a hefty portion of the burden of HIV/AIDS. Women and girls are socially, physically, and biologically more vulnerable to HIV/AIDs transmissions and stigma associated with the disease. On the societal level, women in developing countries are perceived as being inferior, which is the root cause of gender profiling and stigma towards this group (Quinn & Overbaugh, 2005).The society have set the stage for women and girls to be more susceptible to means for HIV/AIDS transmission; furthermore infringing on their freedom of choice. Due to cultural structure and gender norms, women and girls are deprived of education, thus they grow to be economically dependent on men. This limits their autonomy to re fuse sexual liaisons with their intimate partner. For instance, the practice of safe sex through condom usage is mainly the males’ choices, while women have restricted negotiation power (Mulligan, 2006). The minority status of women in developing countries thus exposes them to high rates of HIV/AIDS infections.Gender norms impacts of HIV/AIDS are discerning and even more harmful towards women and girls because they face stigmatization and discrimination on a greater magnitude than men. An ethnographic study conducted by Carr et al. (2004) reported that women were more concerned about the psychosocial insinuations affiliated with being HIV-positive, rather Running Head: Face of AIDS: Gender Inequality and HIV/AIDS 3 than the adverse health outcomes of the disease. The fear of stigmatization accompanying disclosure of HIV-positive status has hindered women from reaching out for appropriate and necessary medical and mental support.Stigma and discrimination have shown to have neg ative effects on women’s mental and physical wellbeing because they suffer from social isolation and low self-esteem (Carr & Gramling, 2004). This has not only resulted in the under-representation of HIV-positive women, it has also created barriers for women to attain better health (Carr & Gramling, 2004). Being physically inferior to men, women are prone to be coerced and being victims of sexual violence. These factors contribute to escalating infection rates because there is an increasing likelihood for survival sex work (Brijnath, 2007).Attributable to poverty and lack of education, women resolve to prostitution for survival. The combination of lack of knowledge regarding practices of safe sex and frequent encounters of sexual partners further enhance women and girls’ vulnerabilities to contracting the disease. Sexual violence is also a common theme among women living with HIV/AIDS (Rountree & Mulraney, 2008). Moreover, it has also been suggested that women are biol ogically more susceptible to disease progression of HIV/AIDS when taking hormonal contraceptives (Quinn & Overbaugh, 2005).The Global Coalition on Women and AIDS The feminization of HIV/AIDS is evident, and requires serious attention. Gender inequality in developing countries has placed significant burden of disease on women, and has been the propelling force for feminization of HIV/AIDS pandemic. In recognizing and fully comprehending the severity of this pandemic, The Global Coalition on Women and AIDS (GCWA) has taken initiative towards fighting for a brighter future for women on a national level. Running Head: Face of AIDS: Gender Inequality and HIV/AIDS 4GCWA is an UNAIDS collaborative effort, which involves diverse networks of organizations and political bodies to alleviate this burden of disease on women and girls (GCWA, n. d. ). The objectives of GCWA are to provide necessary medical attention to those in need, raising awareness, mitigate violence against women, and promote gender equality. GCWA tackles issues concerned with gender inequality and the adverse impacts it has had on women. Public Health Intervention Recommendation Gender inequality and inferiority are the undertow that has deteriorated the feminization trend of HIV/AIDS.Public health initiatives should focus on empowering women and improving their independence. This can be achieved through specialized support systems that educate and raise public awareness of the roots and gravity of the situations. Furthermore, this should be complemented with employment referencing and acquisition support programs to enrich their economic autonomy. Conclusion HIV/AIDS has become a feminizing pandemic, resulting in disproportionate burden of disease on women and girls. Traditional subordination of women as minorities has exacerbated the severity of the issues.Global Coalition on Women and AIDs is a comprehensive initiative that targets the root of this problem. Future initiatives for decreasing this gap of gender inequality should emphasize on empowering women and promoting their autonomy. Running Head: Face of AIDS: Gender Inequality and HIV/AIDS 5 References Brijnath, B. (2007). It’s about time: Engendering AIDS in Africa. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 9(4), 371-386. Carr, R. L. , & Gramling, L. F. (2004). Stigma: A health barrier for women with HIV/AIDS. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 15(5), 30-39. Mulligan, S. (2006). Women and HIV/AIDS.The Furrow, 57(4), 232-238. Quinn, T. C. , & Overbaugh, J. (2005). HIV/AIDS in women: An expanding epidemic. Women’s Health, 308, 1582-1583. Rountree, M. A. , & Mulraney, M. (2008). HIV/AIDS risk reduction intervention for women who have experienced intimate partner violence. Clinical Social Work Journal, 38, 207-216. The Global Coalition on Women and AIDS. (n. d. ). About GCWA. Retrieved March 25, 2011, from http://www. womenandaids. net/about-gcwa. aspx U. S. Global Health Policy. (2010). AIDS deaths (adults an d children) 2009. Retrieved March 27, 2011, from http://www. globalhealthfacts. org/topic. jsp? i=7
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
A Study of Family Issues in Pursuit of Happiness by Gabriele Muccino
A Study of Family Issues in Pursuit of Happiness by Gabriele Muccino Pursuit of Happiness Pursuit of Happiness is about a family living check by check, just trying to get by. The husband Chris, that sells bone scanner machines. He had bought into these machines, thinking they would be a big hit, but not knowing that not many hospitals would be interested, because of the X-Ray machine, that was very similar. The wife/mother left, being stressed and not believing in her future with Chris, and their son Christopher. After her departure, it only went downhill. They became homeless, and had to move into a motel down the street. For a few months, Chris could still afford to send Christopher to a day-care, which a Chinese lady was in charge of, but later he could not, and had to take Christopher to work with him. After having been kicked out of the motel, and having nowhere to live, they were forced to sleep in a subway bathroom. After this incident, they stayed in a homeless shelter most of the nights. In the midst of the craziness he called life, Chris signed up for a free int ernship with a stock business, and had gotten top intern, which got him a job with the business. After he had got the job, he had good pay, and Chris and his son lived well. This movie can connect well with family issues, marriage issues, wealth problems, and poverty. Chapters 7: Social Class, 10: Race and Ethnic Stratification, 13: Crime and the Legal System, and 14: Marriage and Family, both correspond with the movie Pursuit of Happiness. Chapter 7 talks about social class, such as lower, middle, and upper class; depending on how much money you have. The main character, Chris, lives a poor life, in the â€Å"ghetto†, with his child, after his wife leaves, trying to make a living. He is in the lower class, but after winning a competitive internship, and being offered a job, he starts making good money, and starts to raise in social class. Chapter 10 talks about race and this deals with the movie because Chris, his son, and his wife are all African American, which might have interfered with him getting a job, or selling the amount of bone scanners he needed to sell. Chapter13 is about crime, and how society deals with it, and also the way the lega l system is set up. In the movie, there are various scenes of robbery, or in a specific scene, where one of Chris leaves his bone scanner with a homeless person outside of a building, because he is late for a meeting and can’t take it inside, and the person ends up stealing it. Chapter 14 speaks of marriage and family issues, which is the main happenings, mostly in the beginning of the movie. Their family had issues from the start of the movie, and only gets worse. Chris isn’t bringing in much money, and his wife is already working two jobs, and after she leaves, they aren’t able to pay the rent on time and get kicked out of their apartment. The entire movie is connected with much sociology content, which can help connect the movie to real life situations. The movie Pursuit of Happiness relates to sociology also through social equality. It thrives for this through the movie. Social equality is when everyone has completely equal treatment and opportunity. With so cial equality, there would be no separating by race, gender, religion, and social class. By doing so, it relates to all of the spoken of chapters in our book. In this movie, Chris Gardner is criticized of by his race, and social class. He has to live in a homeless shelter many nights, not being able to correctly feed his child, or give him what he needs. After being accepted for the internship, he does as much work as he possibly can and works as hard as he can so that he can win and get a job promotion. He stands up for himself, after being thrown in jail and not being able to go home and take a shower before his big meeting, and shows the business men that he has what they want, in courage and in confidence. By doing this, he gets the job, and is in better hands for his future, and his son. Sociology is built within this movie, especially since it is focused around society and the government. Bring poor, having a low income, having a slow job, and other things that can help make y ou have more and harder trouble with the world is what this movie is based on. It is especially centered on how one man can make a difference for a whole family, when taken to the extreme. By him getting out and earning what he got, and deserving every bit of it, it shows us that there is hope.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
The World of Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The World of Management - Research Paper Example The increase of corporations did present demand for additional financial information that will enable the successful undertaking of the business financial activities. The study of accounting and â€Å"book keeping†became significantly relevant in numerous learning institutions (Walker 246). The financial undertakings of the businesses had to be carefully evaluated to assist in the verification of imperative decisions. The soaring growth of the corporations necessitated the employment of accountants to enlighten the executive on the financial situation of the firm. According to Whye (165), in 1881, there was the formation of the American Association of Public Accountants (AAPA). This institution was to establish the mannerisms to portray in the undertaking of the accounting profession. In America, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AIPCA) was established (Whye 166). The ethical structures that would manage the accounting field were established in 1907. This became the guideline of the associations of the accountant to the employer and fellow workmates. This effort led to the formation of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), which would formulate accounting principles, and ethical architecture of accounting. Accounting is evolving everyday and the accounting principles are subject to various alterations that will be significant to the existing market. According to Jones (361), this will assist in delivery of comprehensive financial documents to the corporation explaining their economic standing and the financial resources viable for exploitation. This enables the management to amplify the firm’s earnings through diversification of their interests. The accounting occupation is evolving into various specialized units since the responsibilities of the accountants are advancing. Forensic accounting is one of the noteworthy
Monday, August 12, 2019
Shift Work Stress and Safety Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Shift Work Stress and Safety - Term Paper Example s for nigh perfection that comes from anyone’s bosses, almost always require one to either work long, crazy hours, or overnight where stress on the body is higher with the ever so quietness of the night. Shifts are usually relegated to one of three eight hour shift starting times: 0600, 1400, and 2200. Shiftwork is usually considered to be either overnight work or a schedule where no two days have the same shift. Some people enjoy shift work, most just tolerate it, while others cannot handle it. This type of stress like any other can be harmful to the body. The amount of stress one can take varies from person to person. Some people handle stress better than others. Furthermore, some industries have a higher level of risk and stress placed upon its business and the employees of those businesses. Thus, OSHA has set up specific guidelines and suggestions to help ensure the safety of those employed in the various industries. These industries have guidelines ensure the safety of the employees that are more rigid that various other industries. However, not only do the riskiest industries have stress that can cause injuries, but even working in an office can cause undo harm an injury to an employee of a company. Stress does not have any friends or particular industries that it hits harder than others. Overall, stress can come from various places and in various forms such as Temperature, discomfort, long hours, minimal breaks, weather conditions (if working outdoors), etc. Even with all the possible injuries that can be brought about by stress, OSHA guidelines can only help so far. OSHA works as diligently as it can to ensure everyone’s safety and health. Their priority and main goal is just that: ensure the health and safety of all employees in a workplace. Stress from shift work can be harmful to a person’s body. Shiftwork does not allow, in most cases, for people to get the proper amount of rest needed to have a healthy life. Thus, the onset of fatigue
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Constitutional Law Research Paper (Mock Case Study aka Memorandum of
Constitutional Law Research Paper (Mock aka Memorandum of the Law) - Case Study Example The detectives arrested Sam for violating parole and for possession of child pornography. The warrant was issued on application of affidavit by Detective Tom Murray, who used false information that Sam was not living he had agreed to his release on parole. Tom had lied that the residence was vacant and that Sam had violated parole, although he knew that Sam was living in the same apartment as he had declared during his release. The detectives who made the arrested were not aware that Tom Murray had gotten the arrest warrant after presenting false information on Sam in his affidavit. The investigators seized evidence on child pornography as there were hundreds of child pornography images in Sams bedroom, and there was some evidence that Sam was communicating with children over the internet. However, the issuance of the execution of the search was valid under the Fourth Amendment of criminal justice. Following the exception that the search was in good faith, and the search was reasonab le enough to warrant a recovery of sufficient evidence against Sam Mark criminal behavior. From the exception named above, the detectives had the right to go access Sams residence to confirm that Sam was not indeed living in the declared home (Beatson, 2006). The search led to the discovery of the evidence that incriminated him as a child sex predator. The agents took the time to go through the Sams computer as well in search of more evidence against Sam. Sam is not guilty of violating parole under the evidence provided by Tom in the affidavit, but is according to the evidence gathered as a result of the warrant that Tom acquired. The search warrant was reasonable and in good faith. Tom applied for the search warrant under a suspicion that Sam was involved in child abuse in his house as is demonstrated below. Rule 41 (a) of 18 United States Constitution states that search warrants shall only be issued ‘upon the request of a federal law enforcement
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Debt Vs. Equity Financing Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Debt Vs. Equity Financing Paper - Essay Example On the other hand the process of issuing stock so as to raise capital for a firm is called â€Å"equity financing†. This is a study set out to discuss these two sources of financing for a firm and eventually choose the better alternative depending upon the merits and demerits associated with either. To achieve this, these will be a vivid answer to the question, â€Å"which are the differences between debt financing and equity financing and which alternative is preferable to the other?†(Livingstone and Grossman, 2001) Debt financing refers to the money borrowing from a source outside the business and this is accompanied with a promise to repay the principal together with the interest agreed upon by the parties. Start up as well as established companies usually turn to this source of financing to fund their operations. In the context of finance, a debt is also known as leverage. Examples of places or sources from which businesses can get debt finance may include banks and other sources like issuing by a private company or friends. Merits associated with debt finance are several. Firstly, debt financing helps a company maintain the ownership structure. That is, when a business borrows from a bank it is only obliged to pay principal and interest on time and that is the end of such an obligation. Secondly, its principal as well as interest are put in the profit and loss account of a business as expenses and this helps by deducting from the company the associated income taxes. (Richards, 2009) However, this funding source is disadvantageous to a business. The interest payments going with the debt increase the break-even point of a business. Also, the higher a company’s leverage or debt-to equity ratio the chances of securing credit from a lender. A debt can also restrict the actions of the management of a company in that owners of the firm are obliged to personally guarantee loans and thus may be called for to secure repayment by pledging
Friday, August 9, 2019
How has the study of media and communications developed over the last Essay - 2
How has the study of media and communications developed over the last century - Essay Example According Elisa et al (1), many disciplines have contributed to the study and development of media and communications as well. The first work to be discussed is that done by Karl Marx. His influences on this discipline were less assertive. Notwithstanding, the works were very important and well known in the analysis of media and communication (Atton 51). The theory of Marx is inclined to give a strong emphasis on how media and communication leads to situations of status quo among individuals (Elisa et al 1). This is opposed to many scholars who say that media’s role in the society is to encourage people communicating freely. The fundamental characteristic of the Marxist theory is his point of view on â€Å"materialism†, where Marx insists that social being is a great determinant of individual’s awareness. According to his opinion, ideological perspectives of others are not correct on their claim that the social status of individuals determines directly their consciousness and awareness. The researchers view ideology as power of specific system to denote its own meanings as experienced (Ivan 78). Marx’s position on ideology is that the media offers a great persuasion on the people of different groups to embrace capitalism as a natural aspect to them. Antonio Gramsci developed the concept of Marxism in 1920s and brought in a new idea of hegemony. Hegemony is a scenario where power relationship is received and regarded natural or seen as a common sense. Hegemony for example would include lifestyle programs that cover a range of areas of domestic life as well as personal lives of individuals. This could further include programs like childrearing, dog training, clothing, cooking, among others (Emke 57). Chomsky and Herman found out that media has a way of manipulating populations such that they are prevented from being rebellious. They did achieve this by manufacturing consents and controlling the audiences’
Economic100 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Economic100 - Essay Example Their portfolio ‘also includes some of the nation’s fastest growing beer brands, such as Hahn Super Dry and Boag’s Draught, and the leading light beer, Hahn Premium Light’ (Lion Nathan 2010). Lion Nathan appears to be in big trouble at the time this article was written and is facing severe supply issues. The strike occurred at Lion Nathan’s factories as a result of a dispute on pay rises. Brewery technicians at the beer giants western Sydney factory began ‘a week of strike action aimed at starving the amount of beer the company can supply over the peak summer period. The factory, which has been at the Lidcombe site since 1978, produces all of Tooheys beer - about 3.3 million hectolitres each year. Brewery technicians make up 84 of about 1100 of the brewerys workers but oversee the recipes and ingredients. The technicians are calling for a 4.5 per cent pay rise and say a 3 per cent offer from Tooheys parent company Lion Nathan is unfair.’ (Hills 2010). The first economic issue in this situation is that there are fewer players in the market. Lion Nathan seems to dominate the market, with a 43% share of the market in 2007 (Hills 2010). This signifies that beer production is a market in Australia which is largely an oligopolistic structure with few large players controlling the supplies. This not only means that the large players control the prices but also that the supply is largely inelastic. With the inelastic supplies, a shift in the demand curve could have a greater impact on the price than if the supply was elastic. The supply is the willingness of the producers to supply to the market at a particular market price. This supply curve is affected by the cost of production among several other factors. In the case of beer manufacturers in Australia, this cost of production has gone up which means that the supply
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