Tuesday, November 26, 2019
College Funding Essays - Student Financial Aid In The United States
College Funding Essays - Student Financial Aid In The United States College Funding As a young college student you have many avenues available for funding your formal education but none will be as satisfying as maintaining paying a position whether it is full-time or part-time. While there are several sacrifices for obtaining a job and going to school simultaneously there are many more rewards that will follow. Many students would like to not work while they are in school but most have financial obligations that require them to. On the other hand there are a few students that do not have to or need to work, most cases being that their parents either saved for their college education or their parents did not need to save due to their financial prosperity. Some students and parents look at working and going to school as a negative circumstance but nothing could be further from the truth. By maintaining a job while you are in college you are increasing your likelihood of being employed after graduation. Students that rely on their wealthy parents to put them through college are in some ways very fortunate because they then have the ability to solely focus on their studies without having to juggle both work and school. In the same thought, those students who do not have to worry about financial obligations would most likely come across to some as being carefree and maybe some would even think that they are not mature enough to take on the responsibility of their own finances. Through their parents these students have access to the finer things in life without having to work for them, which in some ways re-enforces the lack of work ethic among this group of students. As long as their parents are involved in their lives they will not have to work to truly earn something that they want. Without work experience these students of wealthy parents can have all the money in the world and all the degrees imaginable but without prior work experience the chances of them landing a job over someo ne that has held a position in that particular field are very slim. Parents that have saved for their son or daughters college education have given their offspring a significant advantage because by covering tuition, books, room & board the student is responsible not only for their living expenses but also their entertainment expenses. A young college student needs to be responsible for at least some of the expenses they incur while going to school, thus forcing them to obtain a paying position to cover their everyday expenditures. It not only teaches them the value of a dollar but it also prepares them for the career world that they will be entering in a few short years. Students that are financially responsible for both their education and for their living expenses are both at an advantage and a disadvantage. One disadvantage depends on how much financial aid they are awarded each semester. If the financial aid does not cover all of their tuition they may find themselves having to carry the excess into their living expenses thus causing them to work more hours and have less time for their studies. On the other hand one of the advantages that they will have is plenty of work experience once they graduate thus making them very appealing to employers. The responsibility of having to work either full-time or part-time and attend school full-time is a huge one and in the long run these people will have a significant advantage in the working world. The majority of students are in the college or university system as a student for an average of four years and to not be employed during that time is only hurting them and their future career opportunities. If a student focuses all of his or her attention on academic performance then that is all that they are going to be efficient at in the real world. Focusing on academics is a necessity but to solely focus on the hypothetical scenarios that are played out within the four wall of a classroom without any other actual outside experience puts that student at a severe disadvantage. Many employers look at prior work experience as a guide on how
Friday, November 22, 2019
Sport Research Paper
Sport Research Paper Sport Research Paper Sport Research Paper: How to Write It Correctly? Are you a fan of a team or an athlete? I have to say the sport world is absolutely captivating thing. It is special emotions, when you support or empathize with your sporting favorites: the joy of win and the sorrow of defeat, the tears of euphoria and tears of soul pain, passion and aversion, fanaticism and sensible critical view on the results. The rational fanaticism stimulates people to learn the history of sport, think analytically and express the opinion argumentatively. Of course, this knowledge could be really useful during your study in the college. When you get the assignment to write a sport research paper, it would be absolutely easy to do this work correctly. I think every one should know how it works in reality. Sport Research Paper: Topic It would not be a surprise, if I say that almost the whole part of success depends on the works topic. There is a big specter of various sports research paper topics that relate to different events. It could be a research of some historical sporting development in the past, or, it could be absolutely urgent research of modern life. Anyway, it is good when your have the alternatives and you may choose the appropriate topic. Take the topic you are the most competent in. Sport Research Paper: Description It is important to follow the rules of working on a sport research paper:In the first stage of your work think up the correct thesis statement that reflects the main conception of the research and answers on the main question of the work; Start your description of the issue. Be logical, laconic and consecutive in your expression; Provide your sport research paper with strong facts and arguments. Probably, you may put the quotes of some authoritative sport coaches, pundits or important sport figures; Compare the opinions of other authors and your own thoughts; explain the differences and similarities between the ideas. Consider some real examples of sport activity that concern your topic.Sport Research Paper: ConclusionIn this part of the work you should to: conclude the main points of research paper; show the possible perspectives; show that your work is important and topical even nowadays. Anyway, do not neglect the chance to look through various informational sources that could give additional reliability to your sport research paper. As we can see, the sport life includes both a physical practice and the side of criticism and analysis.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Starbucks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Starbucks - Essay Example The company sources approximately 50% of its beans from South America, 35% from the Pacific Rim, and 15% from East Africa. The company chooses its location very carefully in order to ensure the maximum customer traffic possible. The firm enjoys a tremendous competitive advantage in terms of reach due to the fact that the firm has 16,635 franchises worldwide. The real estate strategy focuses on flexibility which allows the firm’s retail stores to fit in any type of area including corners, trapezoids, or triangles. The firm has built a tremendous corporate culture by empowering its employees. The employees of the company are referred to as baristas. The firm promotes diversity among its staff. â€Å"As partners, we embrace diversity to create a place each of us can be ourselves†(Starbucks). The corporation realizes that its employees are a critical success factor that enables the firm to offer its customer a unique experience. Some of the guiding principles of the compan y’s culture include providing a great work environment, applying the highest standard of excellence, satisfying the customer, and recognizing profitability is essential to the future success of the business. Starbucks has a tremendous variety of delicious coffees and hot drinks. The baristas have the freedom to customize the customer drinks to comply with the needs.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
SAINT LOUIS ARENA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
SAINT LOUIS ARENA - Essay Example The arena was one of the most magnificent pieces of art and architectural designs that ever saw the light of the day. It stood from the time of its construction in 1929 up to the end of the nineteenth century in 1999. During the time of its standing, it was home to one of the most notable and reputable sporting outfits and franchises of the day such as the Saint Louis Arena Blues. It is important to note and mention that the Saint Louis Arena served as a mix of site for diverse and various sporting, social and political conventions of the time. To begin with, concerts, circuses, indoor soccer matches, circuses, horse shows and political rallies were all hosted within the realms of the Saint Louis Arena. Historically, the time of the construction of Saint Louis Arena, the world and the social or cultural disposition at the time was dynamic. It was the specific time period where the African American society was clamoring for an increase in the political and social space in the society. Thus, there was a clamor by the authorities and the powers that were at that point in time to stamp their authority as a distinguishing factor. This was aimed at creating a design and building which would mark and stamp the social influence and impact of the powers that were. Tentatively, in the year, 1904 when the World Fair had just been concluded and as culture and tradition dictated, it was the time for the annual hosting of the indoor games, horse and agricultural shows. The management of the municipality of the city did tear down the Saint Louis Music hall and the Saint Louis Arena Exposition and then built the Saint Louis Coliseum. The Saint Louis Coliseum was constructed with the objective or aim of hosting events and shows such as boxing matches (Greco 12). It is worth to highlight that the building which were torn down were a symbol of authority and show of pride.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The long term effects of playing football Essay Example for Free
The long term effects of playing football Essay When people think about football they think its glitz, glamour, and a life of amazement because youre doing what you want and youre getting paid for it. Though that is part of football there are more parts to it that people dont really think about too much. There are three points of football that come from playing the game and they are the rich, glitzy, famous part. The part that travels to away games and has long practices that keep you away from your family. Then there is the anguish and stress factor, which is probably the biggest effect. One obvious positive that comes from playing the game of football is all the perks that come with it. As a kid there are dreams of doing something like this and then it comes true; that alone is amazing. You get paid an incredible amount of money that you really did not need to get an education for. People know and love personalities that play football and its even better if you are a well-known star. Restaurants invite you in to eat for free and clothing companies give you their merchandise in exchange for publicity. This would really seem like it is the life. Then there is the traveling aspect of this deal that is made where in a way a life is signed away. A team is competing to be the best in their sport and there are many sacrifices that have to be made in order to achieve that goal. There will be grueling practices up to 6 days a week and the day that you are not practicing you are doing your job, playing a game. That you have to travel to play away games will leave you homesick. That training with this team will take up most of your day a family could be dismantled. All this being away from family and loved ones can really take a toll on a personal life. A good effect that comes from traveling is seeing new places. Putting yourself in new environments keeps you well rounded. The last and I think most crucial effect that comes from football is the stress and anguish. That football is such a pressure game it could cause many psychological problems. Worrying about so many different things at once can cause you to stress out. For example you have to remember over 100 plays and if you start forgetting or messing them up the coach can pull you out for a couple plays or even the game. Also intermitting itself in this is the I have to better than him motive, which means the thoughts of taking performance enhancing drugs. Taking these drugs can cause major thought and anguish in the long run. If the decision is made to take them then if caught you will be all over the news and fined which will tarnish peoples respect for you. In conclusion there are many effects that come from playing the game of football and all of them are not good as implicated in this essay. Whether it is the glamour, the traveling, and the stress. Fortunately this essay focuses more on the harder aspects so if you do want to get into pro football there are a lot more things waiting for you.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Imagry in the Fall of the House of Usher :: essays papers
Imagry in the Fall of the House of Usher Imagery in "The Fall of the House of Usher" The description of the landscape in any story is important as it creates a vivid imagery of the scene and helps to develop the mood. Edgar Allan Poe is a master at using imagery to improve the effects of his stories. He tends to use the landscapes to symbolize some important aspect of the story. Also, he makes use of the landscape to produce a supernatural effect and to induce horror. In particular, Poe makes great use of these tools in "The Fall of the House of Usher." This story depends on the portrayal of the house itself to create a certain atmosphere and to relate to the Usher family. In "The Fall of the House of Usher," Edgar Allan Poe uses the landscape to develop an atmosphere of horror and to create corollary to the Usher family. Poe uses the life-like characteristics of the house as a device for giving the house a supernatural presence. The house is described as having somewhat supernatural characteristics. The windows appear to be "vacant" and "eye-like" (1462). The strange nature of the house is further explained as around the mansion, "†¦there hung an atmosphere peculiar to themselves and their immediate vicinity." (1462). This demonstrates that the house and its surroundings have an unusual and bizarre existence. Upon entering the house, the narrator views some objects, such as the tapestries on the walls and the trophies, fill him with a sense of superstition. He describes the trophies as "phantasmagoric" (1462). He further explains that the house and the contents were the cause of his feelings. He describes his superstition one night, "I endeavored to believe that much, if not all of what I felt, was due to the phantasmagoric influence of the gloomy furniture of the room†¦" (1468). Hence, Poe makes use of the house to create a supernatural effect. Likewise, Poe describes the house to create a terrifying effect. "The Fall of the House of Usher" is a horror story. In order to develop a mood to get the reader frightened, Poe must portray the setting of the story. The house is described initially by the narrator, who sees the image of the house as a skull or death’s head looming out of the dead. He is not sure what to think and comments of the properties of the old house: "What was it, I paused to think, what was it that so unnerved me in the contemplation of the house of Usher?
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Coldest Winter Ever Summary
Set in the projects of Brooklyn, New York, The Coldest Winter Ever is the story of Winter Santiaga (aptly named because she was born during one of New York's worst snowstorms), the rebellious, pampered teenage daughter of a notorious drug dealer. Ricky Santiaga, Winter's father, has attained substantial wealth through his illegal drug empire and lavishes his wife, Winter, and Winter's three younger sisters, Porsche, Lexus, and Mercedes, with the best things money can (and cannot) buy. Unknown to her father, Winter uses her hustling tricks to get whatever she wants. Winter's world is turned upside down on her 16th birthday, when her father suddenly decides to relocate his family and his growing business to Long Island, but she is determined not to sever ties with the old neighborhood. Her life spirals downward when her mother is shot in the face by foes of her father. Shortly afterward, the FBI arrives at the Santiaga mansion while Winter is at a party, seizes the family's possessions, and sends the drug lord to prison. At this juncture, Winter's sisters are placed in child custody, rather than in their unemployed mother's custody. Winter escapes by pretending to not be her parents’ daughter. Winter stays with a man just for his money for a while, but when his girlfriend comes back, Winter goes to live with an aunt. While with the Aunt, Winter's location is revealed, and she is turned over to the Bureau of Child Welfare. Winter's location was probably divulged by Natalie, a former friend of Winter's, who suspected that Winter was trying to date her boyfriend. While visiting her father in jail, she finds out that he had an infant son and was cheating on her mother, which tears her apart. Also, her father murdered someone while in jail. After being taken out of her aunt’s home, Winter starts living at the House of Success, a group home for teenage girls. Her new surroundings do not stop her from hustling: she makes money by selling clothes and cigarettes to her housemates, and she does their hair. Winter obtains the goods she sells from her friend Simone, who is a booster who steals designer clothes for her. Winter continues making money this way until Simone is arrested. Winter does not bail out now-pregnant Simone, but Simone gets out another way. Upon her release, Simone gathers some friends to wait so that they can beat up Winter. Winter escapes the beating by running and never returns. Then Simone falls and has a miscarriage. Rashida, one of Winter's House of Success housemates, thinks that Winter needs help and persuades her to go to a friend's house. Winter doesn't know that the friend is Sister Souljah, whom Winter boldly stated she never liked in the book's introduction. Under Souljah's tutelage, Winter volunteers at a benefit for people with HIV/AIDS, but Winter still does whatever she can to get money. Winter steals money from the AIDS benefit and rushes home to pack. Suspicious of Winter leaving, Lauren, Souljah's sister, switches the bag into which Winter has put her prized belongings. Winter takes a cab to a New Jersey hotel, and realizes that she has no money, no jewels, and no protection. Winter hooks up with an old boyfriend named Bullet, who has money. She finds out that she is pregnant with the baby of a man who tricked her into believing he was hip-hop MC GS. Months later, Winter's world crashes again when she is attacked in a car by Simone. A crowd gathers to watch the fight, and Winter loses focus when she sees Bullet cause the crowd to disperse by waving a gun in the air. Once Winter looks away, Simone slashes her across the face with a broken bottle. Winter is led back to the car by Bullet and, shortly afterward, the police arrive. Bullet leaves Winter, who gets a mandatory 15-year prison sentence for transporting drugs in his rental car. Soon, her old friends Natalie and Simone join her in prison, and her younger sister eventually becomes just like her. The ending surprises: after her father was jailed, Winter talked about being let out of prison to attend her mother’s funeral.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Personal Values in the Work Place
The ten values (both work and personal) that I have chosen are adventure, affection (love and caring), creativity, excitement, friendships, having a family, quality relationships, religion, status, and wealth. Adventure is a component of a valued way of life for me because I feel most alive when I’m taking risks. Bold and risky undertakings are fun. Taking chances and daring yourself to push your limits are good for the soul. Creativity is the ability to transcend traditional ideas to create meaningful new ideas! It’s important to me to feel inspired. In the work place, if you use your imagination, you could solve problems that were impossible to solve before. Having a family is a personal value that most people strive for. Families are supportive and will help me in my career. My elder relatives are wise and would advise me in any career move and my younger siblings could cheer for me on the sidelines. Religion does not belong in the work place. However when I spend time in prayer I feel inner peace, which in turn effects my work overall. Religion is a form of mediation for me. Spiritual-mindedness in my personal lives helps me in the work place. Wealth is something from the workplace that will greatly effect my personal life. With a plentiful amount of wealth, my family can feel secure and will be able to focus on other things in life. I don’t want lack of money to prohibit anything in my life.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Common Family Myths and Stories
Common Family Myths and Stories Nearly every family has a cherished story or two regarding their distant ancestors - one that has been handed down from generation to generation. While some of these stories probably have a lot of truth in them, others are actually more myth than reality. Perhaps its a story that youre connected to Jesse James or a Cherokee princess, or that a town in the old country is named after your ancestors. How can you prove or disprove these family stories? Write Them Down Hidden in the embellishments of your familys story are probably at least a few grains of truth. Ask all of your relatives about the famous legend, and write down everything they tell you - no matter how insignificant it may seem. Compare the different versions, looking for inconsistencies, as they may indicate those parts are less likely to be rooted in fact. Ask for Backup Ask your relatives if they know of any items or records which may help document the family story. It doesnt often happen, but sometimes if the story has been carefully handed down from generation to generation, then other items may have been preserved as well. Consider the Source Is the person telling the story someone who was in a position to have experienced the event first-hand? If not, ask them who they got the story from and attempt to work your way back to the original source. Is this relative known as the storyteller in the family? Often good storytellers are more likely to embellish a story so as to elicit a favorable response. Bone Up on History Spend some time reading about the history of the time, place or person which relates to your familys story or legend. Background historical knowledge may help you prove or disprove the legend. Its unlikely that your great, great Grandfather was a Cherokee, for example, if he lived in Michigan in 1850. Test Your DNA While your genes may not have all the answers, a DNA test may be able to help you prove or disprove a family legend. DNA can help you determine if you descend from a particular ethnic group, your family came from a particular region, or you share a common ancestor with a particular person. Common Genealogy Myths Legends The Three Brothers MythIts always three brothers. Brothers who immigrated to America, and then headed out in different directions. Never more or less than three, and never sisters either. This is one of the favorite of all genealogy legends, and one that very rarely turns out to be true. The Cherokee Indian Princess StoryNative American ancestry is a fairly common family story and one which may actually turn out to be true. But there really isnt such a thing as a Cherokee princess, and isnt it funny that it is almost never a Navaho, Apache, Sioux or Hopi princess? Our Name Was Changed at Ellis IslandThis is one of the most common myths found in American family history, but it actually almost never happened. Passenger lists were actually created at the port of departure, where the native names were easily understood. Its very likely the family name may have been changed at some point, but it probably didnt happen at Ellis Island. Family Inheritance MythThere are a lot of variations on this popular family story, but very rarely do they turn out to be true. Some of these myths have their roots in the numerous inheritance scams of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, while others may reflect a hope or belief that the family is related to royalty or a famous (rich) family by the same name. Unfortunately, the family inheritance story is often used by scammers to trick people out of their money.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A List of Programming Contests and Challenges
A List of Programming Contests and Challenges Link to C TutorialsLink to C TutorialsLink to C# Tutorials Not every programmer wishes to test his programming skills in a contest but occasionally I get a new challenge to stretch me. So here is a list of programming contests. Most are annual but some are continuous and you can enter at any time. The experience of stepping outside your programming comfort zone is entirely beneficial. Even if you dont win a prize, youll have thought in new ways and be inspired to have another go. Studying how others solved the problem can also be educational. There are many more contests than I have listed here but Ive winnowed these down to ten that anyone can enter. Most important of all you can use C, C or C# in these. Annual Contests International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP). This has been running for a decade and happens in June or July each year. Though its based in Germany, anyone can enter using any programming language, from any location. Its free to enter and your team isnt limited by size. In 2010 its from June 18-21The BME International is an intense free to enter contest that takes place in Europe once a year for teams of three, and you have to bring your own computers and software. This year, the 7th took place in Budapest. This has had some interesting challenges in the past- how about driving a car over a virtual terrain? Other past tasks included controlling an oil-company, driving an assembly line robot and programming for secret communication. All programs were written in one 24 hour intense period!International Collegiate Programming Contest. One of the longest-running - this started in 1970 at Texas AM and has been run by the ACM since 1989 and has IBMs involvement since 1997. One of the bigger contests it has thousands of teams from universities and colleges competing locally, regionally and ultimately in a world final. The contest pits teams of three university students against eight or more complex, real-world problems, with a gruelling five-hour deadline. The Obfuscated C contest has been running for nearly 20 years. This is done on the internet, with email submissions. All you have to do is write the most obscure or obfuscated Ansi C program in under 4096 characters length according to the rules. The 19th contest took place back in January/February 2007.The Loebner Prize is not a general programming contest but an AI challenge to enter a computer program that can do the Turing test, ie talk to a human sufficiently well to make the judges believe they are talking to a human. The Judge program, written in Perl will ask questions like What time is it?, or What is a hammer? as well as comparisons and memory. The prize for the best entrant is $2,000 and a Gold Medal.Similar to the Loebner Prize is the Chatterbox Challenge. This is to write the best chatter bot- a web-based (or downloadable) application written in any language that can carry on text conversations. If it has an animated display that syncs with text then that is even better- you get more points! International Problem Solving Contest (IPSC). This is more for fun, with teams of three entering via the web. There are 6 programming problems over a 5 hour period. Any programming language is allowed.The Rad Race - Competitors in teams of two have to complete a working business program using any language over two days. This is another contest where you have to bring along equipment, including a router, computer(s), cables, a printer etc. The next one will be in Hasselt, Belgium in October 2007.The ImagineCup - Students at school or college compete by writing software applicable to the set theme which for 2008 is Imagine a world where technology enables a sustainable environment. Entries started August 25th, 2007.ORTS Competition. ORTS (open real-time strategy game) is a programming environment for studying real-time AI problems such as path-finding, dealing with imperfect information, scheduling, and planning in the domain of RTS games. These games are fast-paced and very popular. U sing the ORTS software once every year there is a series of battles to see whose AI is best. The International Obfuscated C Code Contest (abbreviated IOCCC) is a programming contest for the most creatively obfuscated C code. It started in 1984 and the 20th competition started in 2011. Entries are evaluated anonymously by a panel of judges. The judging process is documented in the competition guidelines and consists of elimination rounds. By tradition, no information is given about the total number of entries for each competition. Winning entries are awarded with a category, such as Worst Abuse of the C preprocessor or Most Erratic Behavior, and then announced on the official IOCCC website. Theres no prize except if your program is featured on the site then you won!Google Code Jam. Running since 2008, its open to anyone aged 13 or other, and you or a close relative dont work for Google or a subsidiary country and you dont live in a banned country: Quebec, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Syria, Burma (Myanmar). (The contest is prohibited by law). Theres a qualification round and three oth er rounds and the top 25 travel to a Google office for the Grand Final. Continuous or Ongoing Contests Hutter Prize. If you can improve on the compression of 100 MB of Wikipedia data by 3% or better then you can win cash prizes. Currently, the smallest compression is 15,949,688. For every 1% reduction (minimum 3%) you win â‚ ¬500.Project Euler. This is an ongoing series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve. computationally the problems should be solvable in less than a minute. A typical problem is Find the first ten digits of the sum of one-hundred 50-digit numbers.Sphere Online Judge. Run at Gdansk University of Technology in Poland, they have regular programming contests - with over 125 completed. Solutions are submitted to an automatic online judge that can deal with C, C and C# 1.0 and many other languages.Intels Threading Programming Problems. Running from September 2007 until the end of September 2008 Intel have their own Programming Challenge with 12 programming tasks, one per month that can be solved by threading. You get awarded points for solving a problem, coding elegance, code execution timing, use of the Intel Threading Building Blocks and bonus points for posting in their problem set discussion forum. Any language but C is probably the preferred language. Codechef is Indias first, non-commercial, multi-platform online coding competition, with monthly contests in more than 35 different programming languages including C, C and C#. Winners of each contest get prizes, peer recognition and an invitation to compete at the CodeChef Cup, an annual live event. Annual Contests Hewlett Packard (HP) Codewars is for high school students and takes place every year on Hewlett-Packards Houston campus. its been run every year since 1999. Not only do students get the high-tech HP environment, a wide range of programming challenges, large amounts of good programmer food (pizza and caffeine), music, plus loads of giveaways. There are trophies for the top competitors in each of two classifications, plus loads of exciting door prizes like computers, scanners, printers, software, and accessories. This is the ultimate high school computer programming competition. Dont forget the About C, C and C# Programming challenges. No prizes but you get fame!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Quality Management in Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Quality Management in Business - Assignment Example r organisation seeks to ensure that its product quality is preserved or enhanced and most vitally, its operational errors are eliminated towards the attainment of predetermined organisational targets (Jain, 2001). With this concern, the assignment aim at discussing about the various principles of quality management as applicable in the tourism business, providing adequate stress on its importance, advantages along with drawbacks and practical applications within modern tourism business organisations. The notion of quality management has gained immense importance within the tourism business sector of this modern day context. Such immense significance has been driven by certain critical factors that need to be considered in order to gain an in-depth understanding of quality management aspect in the contemporary tourism business context. These factors comprise prevalence of extreme business market competition and increased level of globalisation among others. Observably, several tourism businesses have taken into concern the aspect of quality management to enhance their ability of providing a vibrant business focus, enhancing overall efficiency, raising customer satisfaction level, developing communications and augmenting cash flow along with profits balancing its quantitative and qualitative organisational interests alongside. In the present day context, wherein the business market environment is incessantly transforming and the demands as well as the preferences of the consumers are immensely fluctuating, quality management helps tourism businesses to overcome these worsening situations by a certain extent. It would be vital to mention in this regard that the customers belonging to this modern day context are much concerned towards obtaining better quality of products and services; rather than considering prices of the same. In this similar context, businesses of modern tourism based organisations tend to focus more on quality management as an imperative aspect
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